Author: Naimi-akbar A, Sandborgh-Englund G, Ekbom A, Ekstrand J, Näsman P, Montgomery S.
Source: J Perinat Med.
Year: 2014
The researchers of this occupational article conclude, "There is no increased mortality risk among sons of female dentists after the 1960s. Although the results should be interpreted with caution, they suggest a modestly raised risk of neonatal mortality, during the 1960s, when exposure to mercury was thought to be highest."
Abstract / Excerpt:
“Mortality was compared between sons of dental personnel and sons of nondental health-care personnel. Hazard ratios were calculated for three decades (1960s–1980s), when the magnitude of mercury exposure in dentistry was likely to have varied.”
Naimi-akbar A, Sandborgh-Englund G, Ekbom A, Ekstrand J, Näsman P, Montgomery S. Mortality among sons of female dental personnel--a national cohort study. J Perinat Med. 2014;42(5):655-61.