Author: Davidovich E, Weiss E, Fuks AB, Beyth N.

Source: J Am Dent Assoc

Year: 2007


This study concludes: "The antimicrobial properties of freshly prepared restorative materials and aged restorative materials used in ART have a potent effect against cariogenic bacteria."

Abstract / Excerpt:

“Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) is recommended for use worldwide, not only in developing countries where resources are not readily available, but also in more industrialized countries. The antibacterial properties of restorative dental materials may improve the restorative treatment outcome. Glass ionomer cement (GIC) has been advocated as the preferred restoration material for ART. The authors evaluated the antibacterial properties of restorative materials—three GICs and a zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE)—in vitro…”


Davidovich E, Weiss E, Fuks AB, Beyth N. Surface antibacterial properties of glass ionomer cements used in atraumatic restorative treatment. J Am Dent Assoc. 2007; 138(10):1347