Author: Goodrich JM.

Source: (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Michigan).

Year: 2011


The author notes, "Overall, evidence from two epidemiological cohorts and in vitro enzymatic assays relate genetic polymorphisms in selected selenoprotein and glutathione pathway genes to variability in Hg toxicokinetics." 

Abstract / Excerpt:

“Recent studies suggest that genetic polymorphisms may influence inter-individual differences observed in toxicokinetics of mercury (Hg), a potent toxicant of concern to the general population and occupationally exposed workers (e.g., dentists). This work hypothesized that polymorphisms in glutathione pathway and selenoprotein genes would associate with Hg biomarker levels, modify the impact of Hg on blood pressure, and alter enzyme activity of encoded proteins. We utilized a multi-dimensional approach by considering two forms of Hg (methylmercury from fish consumption; elemental Hg from dental amalgams) through measurement in biomarkers and 23 polymorphisms in two populations- the Michigan Dental Association cohort (MDA, n=511) and the Early Life Exposures in Mexico to Environmental Toxicants cohort (ELEMENT, n=353 mothers, 368 children).”


Goodrich JM. The Influence of Genetic Polymorphisms on Mercury Toxicokinetics: Evidence from Epidemiological and In Vitro Studies (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Michigan). 2011.