Author: Connett M.
Source: N/A
Year: 2016
Abstract / Excerpt:
EPA should exercise its authority under TSCA to prohibit fluoridation additives because application of the Agency’s own Guidelines for Neurotoxicity Risk Assessment to the existing database on fluoride shows that (1) neurotoxicity is a hazard of fluoride exposure, and (2) the reference dose that would reasonably protect against this hazard is incompatible with the doses now ingested by millions of Americans in fluoridated areas. In fact, the amount of fluoride now regularly consumed by many people in fluoridated areas exceeds the doses repeatedly linked to IQ loss and other neurotoxic effects; with certain subpopulations standing at elevated risk of harm, including infants, young children, elderly populations, and those with dietary deficiencies, renal impairment, and/or genetic predispositions.
Citation: Connett M. Citizen petition under Toxic Substances Control Act regarding the neurotoxic risks posed by fluoride compounds in drinking water. November 22, 2016. To the United States Department of Environmental Protection (EPA) by the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), Food & Water Watch (FWW), Moms Against Fluoridation, the Organic Consumers Association, Audrey Adams, Jacqueline Denton, Valerie Green, Kristin Lavelle, and Brenda Staudenmaier.