Author: Giacaman R.
Source: Journal of Oral Research.
Year: 2016
Abstract / Excerpt:
Dental caries continues to be the most prevalent human condition1. Although countless efforts have been made to decrease the high prevalence of the disease, data worldwide clearly show that little improvement has been achieved. The latter is a reality that the dental profession must face and take immediate action. If important resources have been dedicated and many professionals are struggling with caries day by day, why have we not been capable to decrease the high prevalence of the disease? If researchers, policymakers and clinicians do not understand current caries pathogenesis, it is very difficult to design strategies that are pertinent and efficient.
Citation: Giacaman R. Sugar and dental caries: new insights of an old problem and its implication in clinical management. Journal of Oral Research. 2016; 5(2):57-8.