Author: Hanson M.
Source: Tf-bladet Bull of the Swedish Association of Dental Mercury Patients. Tf-bladet no. 2 2004 and SOU 2003:53 appendix 10, Sw. Dept. of Health.
Year: 2004
This article provides a detailed look at 25 different studies about dental mercury amalgam and provides charts and data from the studies, which largely document how removal of amalgam can assist in the improvement of a variety of symptoms.
Abstract / Excerpt:
“25 studies comprising 5821 patients…The Swedish Association of Dental Mercury Patients (Tf) started the more systematic
investigation of symptoms related to amalgam and the effects replacing the alloy with less toxic materials (Tf-bladet, 1986). Since then a considerable number of studies of varying quality have been presented, most of them by dentists. Most of them give a very consistent result: there is hardly any medical treatment which gives so positive results on so many health problems as amalgam removal.”
Hanson M. Effects of amalgam removal on health. Tf-bladet Bull of the Swedish Association of Dental Mercury Patients. Tf-bladet no. 2 2004 and SOU 2003:53 appendix 10, Sw. Dept. of Health: 204-216.