Author: Mei ML, Ito L, Cao Y, Lo EC, Li QL, Chu CH.
Source: Journal of Dentistry.
Year: 2014
Abstract / Excerpt:
Micro-CT examination revealed a superficial opaque band approximately 150μm on the arrested cavitated dentinal lesion. This band was limited in the active carious lesion. EDX examination detected a higher intensity of calcium and phosphate of 150μm in the surface zone than in the inner zone, but this zone was restricted in the active cavitated dentinal lesion. SEM examination indicated that the collagens were protected from being exposed in the arrested cavitated dentinal lesion, but were exposed in the active cavitated dentinal lesion. TEM examination suggested that remineralised hydroxyapatites were well aligned in the arrested cavitated dentinal lesion, while those in the active cavitated dentinal lesion indicated a random apatite arrangement.
A highly remineralised zone rich in calcium and phosphate was found on the arrested cavitated dentinal lesion of primary teeth with an SDF application. The collagens were protected from being exposed in the arrested cavitated dentinal lesion.
Clinical SDF application positively influences dentine remineralisation.
Citation: Mei ML, Ito L, Cao Y, Lo EC, Li QL, Chu CH. An ex vivo study of arrested primary teeth caries with silver diamine fluoride therapy. Journal of Dentistry. 2014; 42(4):395-402.