Author: Health and Environment Alliance, Health Care without Harm
Source: "Stay Health, Stop Mercury" Campaign
Year: 2007
This fact sheet outlines risks related to dental amalgam, national policies and actions from Denmark, Norway, France, Germany, Finland, Austria, Canada, and the European Commission, and it recommends restrictions for children and pregnant women, as well as protective measures for waste, hygiene, dental practices.
Abstract / Excerpt:
“Mercury comes in different forms, most of which are toxic to humans, ecosystems and wild-life. High doses can be fatal to humans, but even relatively low doses of mercury containing compounds can have serious adverse neurodevelopmental impacts, and have recently been linked to possible harmful effects on the cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems.”
Health and Environment Alliance. Mercury and Dental Amalgams [fact sheet]. Brussels, Belgium: Health and Environment Alliance and Health Care without Harm; May 2007.