Author: Pigatto PD, Spadari F, Bombeccari GP, Guzzi G.

Source: Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine.

Year: 2016


Abstract / Excerpt:

The findings of Suter and Warnakulasuriya (2015) are very promising for those interested in the underlying pathogenesis of amalgam-related oral lichenoid reactions (OLRs) (1). However, we would like to underscore the importance of clinical relevance of patch test reactions in support of the causal relation between oral lichenoid reactions and dental metal allergy (2). To achieve this goal, in our view, it is necessary to extend the ‘mercury-containing dental amalgam series of patch tests’.

Citation: Pigatto PD, Spadari F, Bombeccari GP, Guzzi G. Oral lichenoid reactions, patch tests, and mercury dental amalgam. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine. 2016; 45(2):153.