Author: Moszczynski P.
Source: Przegl Lek.
Year: 2006
This article is in Polish, but it finds dangers of exposure to mercury and recognizes the exposure from dental amalgam.
Abstract / Excerpt:
“Results from recently published studies have shown an independent association between the mercury concentration in the human body and the risk of coronary heart disease. There are two major sources of exposure to mercury of the general population: fish consumption and dental amalgamats. Mercury may promote atheriosclerosis and hence it may increase the risk of acute coronary events in several ways. Mercury stimulates the production of free radicals, binds to sulfhydryl groups of enzymes and forms an insoluble complex with selenium. Thus mercury may induce lipid peroxydation and increase oxidized low-density lipoprotein concentration in blood.”
Moszczynski P. Mercury and the risk of coronary heart disease. Przegl Lek. 2005; 63:84-87. Polish.