Author: Stock A.
Source: Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Chemie, 29
Year: 1926
This historic study by Alfred Stock in 1926 (translated into English by Birgit Calhoun) shows the hazards of mercury vapor and health risk posed by dental amalgam.
Abstract / Excerpt:
“When I am making the decision to report without hesitation to a wider circle about my personal problems, which ordinarily wouldn’t concern others and would not be worthy of publication, I am driven by the intense desire to warn emphatically all those who have to deal with metallic mercury about the dangers of this unstable metal, and to save them from the horrible experiences which have spoiled a great part of my life. Today I can speak about them freely because luckily they have been concluded, and they are behind me with sufficient distance.
The insidious horror of mercury is not nearly sufficiently well known and is being taken note of too little in those places where one is particularly threatened by it, in chemical and physical laboratories.”
Stock A. [Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Chemie, 29. Jahrgang, 15. April 1926, Nr. 15, S. 461-466, Die Gefaehrlichkeit des Quecksilberdampfes, von Alfred Stock (1926).] The Dangerousness of Mercury Vapor. Translated by Birgit Calhoun.