Author: United States Food and Drug Administration.

Source: FDA Website

Year: 2006


This document is from September of 2006, when a joint panel of FDA scientific experts rejected an FDA White Paper’s assurances of the safety of dental mercury amalgam.  (A “White Paper” is a government document written to explain a policy, and it often serves as a precursor to legislation.)

Abstract / Excerpt:

“The joint committee met on Wednesday, September 6, and Thursday, September 7, 2006, in Gaithersburg, MD, to discuss and make recommendations to FDA on its draft white paper regarding the potential adverse health risks associated with exposure to mercury in dental amalgam. The joint committee was comprised of 24 panelist including consultants.”


United States Food and Drug Administration. Joint Meeting of the Dental Products Panel (CDRH) and the Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee (CDER). September 6-7, 2006.