Author: United States Food and Drug Administration.

Source: FDA Website

Year: 2010


This FDA summary about the 2010 Dental Products Panel meeting notes, “The Panel deliberated on the exposure to mercury from dental amalgam, reference exposure levels, human clinical studies and the strength and weaknesses of the available evidence.”

At this December 2010 meeting, the Dental Products Panel encouraged the FDA to consider limiting dental mercury amalgam use in pregnant women and children and to consider labeling that would warn consumers about the risks of this mercury-containing product.

Abstract / Excerpt:

“The Dental Products Panel met on December 14 and 15, 2010, to discuss and make recommendations on scientific issues raised in petitions received by FDA concerning the final rule on the classification of dental amalgam, which published in the Federal Register on August 4, 2009 (74 FR 38686). The Panel deliberated on the exposure to mercury from dental amalgam, reference exposure levels, human clinical studies and the strength and weaknesses of the available evidence.”


United States Food and Drug Administration.  24 hours summary. December 14-15, 2010 Dental Products Panel.