Author: Siblerud RL.

Source: Am J Psychother.

Year: 1989


The author states, "Dental mercury, which is universally used, may be a significant health hazard. Psychotherapists should consider mercury toxicity as a possible cause in the treatment of psychological disorders from mild stress-related complaints to cases of schizophrenia, paranoia, and the other severe psychological diseases."

Abstract / Excerpt:

“The findings presented here suggest that mercury poisoning from dental amalgam may play a role in the etiology of mental illness. Comparisons between subjects with and without amalgam showed significant differences in subjective reports of mental health. Subjects who had amalgams removed reported that symptoms of mental illness lessened or disappeared after removal. The data suggest that inorganic mercury poisoning from dental amalgam does affect the mind and emotions.”


Siblerud RL. The relationship between mercury from dental amalgam and mental health. Am J Psychother. 1989; 43(4):575-87.