Author: Colson DG

Source: Journal of Environmental and Public Health.

Year: 2012


The author of this article about amalgam removal states, "To achieve effective results one must include an integrative approach with a physician and health care team with attention to detoxification and diet over several months, with laboratory tests to monitor progress."

Abstract / Excerpt:

“In dentistry, there is a lot of controversy about the topic of silver mercury fillings; are they safe or not safe? There are many articles written on the pros and cons of these types of fillings. It is difficult to quantify and to assess the effects in each individual. It is not easy to identify silver mercury fillings as the cause if illness presents or if the fillings contributed to illness, except in extreme toxicity cases. Refer to the beginning sections of this review paper concerning the science and mechanism of how mercury interconnects with body tissues and functions.
Environmental doctors investigate heavy metal toxicity as part of their overall wellness regiment to help their patients with health concerns. These doctors look at sources of metals when the patient’s lab reports/diagnostic tests show high levels of mercury and other metals. They investigate what sources are contributing and how to reduce the burden on the body. The doctor may prescribe the safe removal of silver mercury fillings so as not to create an additional burden on the body and to help their patient heal. Thus, when removing amalgams, additional steps help ensure that the patient is protected.”


Colson DG. A safe protocol for amalgam removal. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2012.