Author: Fischer RD
Source: Presented to Domestic Policy Subcommittee Oversight and Government Reform Committee for the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology.
Year: 2008
The author concludes, "Until dentistry joins the rest of the 21st century health care profession and abandons its use of mercury there will be no effective environmental solution to the dental mercury crisis."
Abstract / Excerpt:
“For more than a decade the I.A.O.M.T. has been concerned with the environmental impact of dental amalgam mercury because of its extreme toxicity. Environmental scientists label it a ‘Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxin’ (PBT), and as such it is important to reduce it from the environment by eliminating its source, wherever possible.”
Fischer RD. Assessing state and local regulations to reduce dental mercury emissions. Presented to Domestic Policy Subcommittee Oversight and Government Reform Committee for the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. 2008.