Author: Lichtenberg H

Source: Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine.

Year: 1993


The author concludes, "Replacement of amalgam, and sometimes removal of gold crowns, bridges and metallic porcelain crowns and replacement with one of the patient's biocompatible plast materials has significant positive effect on the symptoms and complaints of most patients. On average, 88% of the symptoms specified in this investigation either disappear or improve, as indicated by responses taken at least one year after amalgam removal."

Abstract / Excerpt:

“The findings presented here suggest a correlation between many health complaints and mercury amalgam fillings. Removal of amalgam fillings results in significant improvement of these symptoms. These same symptoms which are improved or eliminated in amalgam-removal patients are present but undiagnosed in the general population.”


Lichtenberg H. Elimination of symptoms by removal of dental amalgam from mercury poisoned patients, as compared with a control group of average patients. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. 1993; 8: 145-145.