Author: Sajdel-Sulkowska EM, Xu M, McGinnis W, Koibuchi N.

Source: The Cerebellum

Year: 2011


The researchers state, "In conclusion, our preliminary data show, for the first time, that the increase in the oxidative stress marker, 3NT, in ASD is focal and brain region-specific. Furthermore, this focal increase in brain oxidative stress appears to be related to and co-localized with primary regions ASD pathology. Our study also reveals, for the first time, that the changes in neurotrophin-3 expression in ASD are brain region-specific."

Abstract / Excerpt:

“Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by social and language deficits, stereotypic behavior, and abnormalities in motor functions. The particular set of behavioral impairments expressed in any given individual is variable across the spectrum. These behavioral abnormalities are consistent with our current understanding of the neuropathology of ASD which suggests abnormalities in the amygdala, temporal and frontal cortexes, hippocampus, and cerebellum. However, regions unrelated to these behavioral deficits appear largely intact. Both genetic predisposition and environmental toxins and toxicants have been implicated in the etiology of autism; the impact of these environmental triggers is associated with increases in oxidative stress, and is further exacerbated when combined with genetic susceptibility. We have previously reported increased levels of 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT), a marker of oxidative stress, in ASD cerebella.We have also shown that this increase was associated with an elevation in neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) levels. The objectives of the current study were to determine whether the increase in oxidative stress in ASD is brain region-specific, to identify the specific brain regions affected by oxidative stress, and to compare brain regionspecific NT-3 expression between ASD and control cases. The levels of 3-NTand NT-3 were measured with specific ELISAs in individual brain regions of two autistic and age- and postmortem interval (PMI)–matched control donors…”


Sajdel-Sulkowska EM, Xu M, McGinnis W, Koibuchi N. Brain region-specific changes in oxidative stress and neurotrophin levels in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The Cerebellum. 2011; 10(1): 43-48.