Author: Slots J.
Source: Periodontol 2000.
Year: 2005
The author of this study concludes, "Based on current information, it seems reasonable to add human periodontitis to the list of infectious diseases that have HCMV, EBV, and maybe other viruses as probable contributory causes."
Abstract / Excerpt:
“This chapter summarizes evidence that links herpesviruses, especially HCMV and EBV, to the development of severe types of periodontitis, and outlines potential mechanisms by which herpesviruses may contribute to periodontal tissue breakdown. It is suggested that the coexistence of periodontal HCMV, EBV and possibly other viruses, periodontopathic bacteria, and local host immune responses should be viewed as a precarious balance that has the potential to lead to periodontal destruction.”
Slots J. Herpesviruses in periodontal diseases. Periodontol 2000. 2005; 38:33-62.