Author: Ali SW, Khawja MA.
Source: Sustainable Development Policy Institute
Year: 2015
Abstract / Excerpt:
According to an earlier SDPI study, reported in 2013, alarmingly high mercury levels were observed
in air (indoor as well as outdoor) at 11 of the 34 visited dental sites (17 dental teaching institutions, 7
general hospitals & 10 dental clinics) in five main cities of Pakistan. 88% of the sites indicated indoor
mercury levels in air above the USA EPA reference level of 300ng/m3. These very high levels of
mercury vapors in air were thought to be due to more than one reasons, including the use of liquid
mercury & non-mechanical mixing for mercury amalgam making and lack of environmentally sound
best practices for mercury emissions/releases control. SDPI study also showed general unawareness
among dental professionals regarding appropriate handling of mercury/mercury amalgam and
careless/care free use of mercury/mercury amalgam by the undergraduate students. A follow up
study was carried out in 2014, to review and evaluate the contents of Bachelor of Dental Surgery
(BDS) curriculum, offered to undergraduate students at dental teaching institutions in the country.
The objective of this study was to see whether or not, the curriculum provided adequate information
& training to upcoming dental professionals, regarding hazardous mercury/mercury amalgam use in
dentistry and mercury related issues.
Citation: Ali SW, Khawja MA. Assessment of mercury amalgam use at private dental clinics in selected main cities of Pakistan. Islamabad: Sustainable Development Policy Institute; 2015.