
About Khan SU, Khan MU, Riaz H, Valavoor S, Zhao D, Vaughan L, Okunrintemi V, Riaz IB, Khan MS, Kaluski E, Murad MH.

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So far Khan SU, Khan MU, Riaz H, Valavoor S, Zhao D, Vaughan L, Okunrintemi V, Riaz IB, Khan MS, Kaluski E, Murad MH. has created 994 blog entries.

Effects of nutritional supplements and dietary interventions on cardiovascular outcomes: an umbrella review and evidence map.


The role of nutritional supplements and dietary interventions in preventing mortality and cardiovascular disease (CVD) outcomes is unclear.


To examine evidence about the effects of nutritional supplements and dietary interventions on mortality and cardiovascular outcomes in adults.
Data Sources:

PubMed, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library from inception until March 2019; (10 March 2019); journal Web sites; and reference lists.

Study Selection:

English-language, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and meta-analyses of RCTs that assessed the effects of nutritional supplements or dietary interventions on all-cause mortality or cardiovascular outcomes, such as death, myocardial infarction, stroke, and coronary heart disease.
Data Extraction:

Two independent investigators abstracted data, assessed the quality of evidence, and rated the certainty of evidence.
Data Synthesis:

Nine systematic reviews and 4 new RCTs were selected that encompassed a total of 277 trials, 24 interventions, and 992 129 participants. A total of 105 meta-analyses were generated. There was moderate-certainty evidence that reduced salt intake decreased the risk for all-cause mortality in normotensive participants (risk ratio [RR], 0.90 [95% CI, 0.85 to 0.95]) and cardiovascular mortality in hypertensive participants (RR, 0.67 [CI, 0.46 to 0.99]). Low-certainty evidence showed that omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) was associated with reduced risk for myocardial infarction (RR, 0.92 [CI, 0.85 to 0.99]) and coronary heart disease (RR, 0.93 [CI, 0.89 to 0.98]). Folic acid was associated with lower risk for stroke (RR, 0.80 [CI, 0.67 to 0.96]; low certainty), whereas calcium plus vitamin D increased the risk for stroke (RR, 1.17 [CI, 1.05 to 1.30]; moderate certainty). Other nutritional supplements, such as vitamin B6, vitamin A, multivitamins, antioxidants, and iron and dietary interventions, such as reduced fat intake, had no significant effect on mortality or cardiovascular disease outcomes (very low- to moderate-certainty evidence).

Suboptimal quality and certainty of evidence.


Reduced salt intake, omega-3 LC-PUFA use, and folate supplementation could reduce risk for some cardiovascular outcomes in adults. Combined calcium plus vitamin D might increase risk for stroke.

Oral diseases: a global public health challenge.

Oral diseases are among the most prevalent diseases globally and have serious health and economic burdens, greatly reducing quality of life for those affected. The most prevalent and consequential oral diseases globally are dental caries (tooth decay), periodontal disease, tooth loss, and cancers of the lips and oral cavity. In this first of two papers in a Series on oral health, we describe the scope of the global oral disease epidemic, its origins in terms of social and commercial determinants, and its costs in terms of population wellbeing and societal impact. Although oral diseases are largely preventable, they persist with high prevalence, reflecting widespread social and economic inequalities and inadequate funding for prevention and treatment, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). As with most non-communicable diseases (NCDs), oral conditions are chronic and strongly socially patterned. Children living in poverty, socially marginalised groups, and older people are the most affected by oral diseases, and have poor access to dental care. In many LMICs, oral diseases remain largely untreated because the treatment costs exceed available resources. The personal consequences of chronic untreated oral diseases are often severe and can include unremitting pain, sepsis, reduced quality of life, lost school days, disruption to family life, and decreased work productivity. The costs of treating oral diseases impose large economic burdens to families and health-care systems. Oral diseases are undoubtedly a global public health problem, with particular concern over their rising prevalence in many LMICs linked to wider social, economic, and commercial changes. By describing the extent and consequences of oral diseases, their social and commercial determinants, and their ongoing neglect in global health policy, we aim to highlight the urgent need to address oral diseases among other NCDs as a global health priority.

Management and disposal of mercury and amalgam in the dental clinics of South India: A cross-sectional study.


Dental offices are known to be one of the largest users of inorganic mercury in the preparation of amalgam-a restorative material which, if not handled and disposed through scientific methods, can pose grave threats to the biosphere.


The objective of this study was to assess and record the mercury management and disposal strategies of dental practitioners belonging to the two South Indian states, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
Subjects and Methods:

A questionnaire regarding the usage and disposal of a filling material containing mercury (amalgam) was designed and distributed online. The 150 dental practitioners partaking in this study responded anonymously.


The results were statistically analyzed using chi-square test and the P value was evaluated. The usage of amalgam was correlated with the age of the practitioner and the nature of practice and it was found to be statistically significant. The number of fillings was correlated with the years of practice and locality of the clinic, which were found to be statistically significant.


This study showed that mercury was widely preferred and utilized even today as a restorative material by dentists and dental specialists, despite the availability of other alternative strategies. Only a minor section of practitioners were found to be aware of the global changes in the guidelines pertaining to the handling and disposal of amalgam. We feel that Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique, amalgam safety rules, and amalgam-free practice should be a part of the academic curriculum and continuing dental education.

By |2019-11-24T18:49:21+00:00January 1st, 2019|Mercury|

A call to action: advocating for the integration of oral health promotion and public health via sugar sweetened beverage taxation.

We call on dental health professionals to advocate for the integration of oral health promotion into public health, and argue that a campaign for revenue from SSB taxation to be used for oral health promotion is a good place to start. The impact of sugar on health centres on obesity, diabetes and dental caries; these also have a disproportionate impact upon low income communities. Sugar sweetened beverages (SSB) are recognised as a universal major source of sugar, and it has been recommended that the amount and frequency of intake of SSBs should be limited. SSB taxes are a possible way of reducing sugar intake, as well as an effective method of integrating oral health (OH) into general health promotion. There is widespread support for these taxes from PH professionals as they have the potential to improve diet and nutrition, and by OH professionals since nutrition is an integral component of OH, and sugar reduction can reduce the incidence of caries. SSB taxes can also generate revenues which can be reinvested in healthcare to further health improvement. Despite the self-evident benefits for integration, few countries have made a concentrated effort to integrate. We argue that revenues must also be invested to promote OH through an integrated public health and dental public health approach.

By |2020-01-25T18:59:55+00:00January 1st, 2019|Other|

Nature Communications

The rise of ancient genomics has revolutionised our understanding of human prehistory but this work depends on the availability of suitable samples. Here we present a complete ancient human genome and oral microbiome sequenced from a 5700 year-old piece of chewed birch pitch from Denmark. We sequence the human genome to an average depth of 2.3× and find that the individual who chewed the pitch was female and that she was genetically more closely related to western hunter-gatherers from mainland Europe than hunter-gatherers from central Scandinavia. We also find that she likely had dark skin, dark brown hair and blue eyes. In addition, we identify DNA fragments from several bacterial and viral taxa, including Epstein-Barr virus, as well as animal and plant DNA, which may have derived from a recent meal. The results highlight the potential of chewed birch pitch as a source of ancient DNA.

Immunohistological staining of unknown chemokine RANTES/CCL5 expression in jawbone marrow defects—osteoimmunology and disruption of bone remodeling in clinical case studies targeting on predictive preventive personalized medicine.


Fatty degenerative osteonecrosis in the medullary spaces of the jawbone (FDOJ) may be identified as a lesser known source of RANTES/CCL5 (R/C) overexpression. The chemokine R/C also interferes with bone metabolism leading to osteolysis in areas affected by FDOJ. Many dental surgeries require functioning repair mechanisms and these may be disrupted by R/C overexpression.


To clarify the way in which R/C expression from adipocytes in FDOJ causes a disturbance in osteogenesis and impacts on medullary stem cells by investigating the detection of R/C expression with immunochemical staining.

Materials and methods:

We examined the tissue samples of 449 patients with FDOJ to assess the level of the chemokine R/C using bead-based Luminex® analysis. In six clinical case studies of FDOJ, we compared bone density, histological findings, R/C expression, and immunohistochemical staining.


R/C is overexpressed by up to 30-fold in the 449 FDOJ cases when compared with healthy jawbone samples. The comparison of the six clinical cases consistently shows greatly reduced bone density, (i.e., osteolysis), but varies in terms of the level of agreement across the other three parameters.

R/C from FDOJ sources may be implicated in several immune responses and considered a key pathogenetic pathway for increased adipogenesis rather than desirable osteogenesis. Adipocytes pathogenetically act via R/C expression in local FDOJ and systemically on the immune system.

R/C may be regarded as an important trigger for possible pathological developments in the fate of hematopoietic stem cells. FDOJ is not a rigidly uniform process but reflects changing stages of development. The absence of correlating findings should not be interpreted as a misdiagnosis. It seems appropriate to direct further research in the field of “maxillo-mandibular osteoimmunology” focusing on R/C overexpression in FDOJ areas. This may contribute to the development of personalized strategies in preventive medicine.

By |2020-01-18T18:32:51+00:00January 1st, 2019|Periodontal Disease|

Ending the neglect of global oral health: time for radical action.

Oral diseases are a major global public health problem affecting over 3·5 billion people. However, dentistry has so far been unable to tackle this problem. A fundamentally different approach is now needed. In this second of two papers in a Series on oral health, we present a critique of dentistry, highlighting its key limitations and the urgent need for system reform. In high-income countries, the current treatment-dominated, increasingly high-technology, interventionist, and specialised approach is not tackling the underlying causes of disease and is not addressing inequalities in oral health. In low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), the limitations of so-called westernised dentistry are at their most acute; dentistry is often unavailable, unaffordable, and inappropriate for the majority of these populations, but particularly the rural poor. Rather than being isolated and separated from the mainstream health-care system, dentistry needs to be more integrated, in particular with primary care services. The global drive for universal health coverage provides an ideal opportunity for this integration. Dental care systems should focus more on promoting and maintaining oral health and achieving greater oral health equity. Sugar, alcohol, and tobacco consumption, and their underlying social and commercial determinants, are common risk factors shared with a range of other non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Coherent and comprehensive regulation and legislation are needed to tackle these shared risk factors. In this Series paper, we focus on the need to reduce sugar consumption and describe how this can be achieved through the adoption of a range of upstream policies designed to combat the corporate strategies used by the global sugar industry to promote sugar consumption and profits. At present, the sugar industry is influencing dental research, oral health policy, and professional organisations through its well developed corporate strategies. The development of clearer and more transparent conflict of interest policies and procedures to limit and clarify the influence of the sugar industry on research, policy, and practice is needed. Combating the commercial determinants of oral diseases and other NCDs should be a major policy priority.

Workshop of European Task Force on Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw

This paper reports on the conclusions of two workshops held in Copenhagen in September 2017 and November 2018 focused on medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ). The workshops were organized and attended by a European task force on MRONJ, i.e. a multidisciplinary group of European clinical investigators with a special interest in the diagnosis and management of MRONJ and a track record of relevant research and
publications. The aim of the workshops were to (i) highlight some of the most controversial aspects of current knowledge on MRONJ, including definition and classification, risk factors and management, and (ii) provide an expert opinion-based consensus with a view to inform clinicians and advise researchers, as a first step of reaching solutions. It should be pointed out that all results and comments presented are the authors (the workshop group members) personal views and the present form of this publication is based on genuine consensus of all authors

Virulence and Pathogenicity Properties of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans

Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is a periodontal pathogen colonizing the oral cavity of a large proportion of the human population. It is equipped with several potent virulence factors that can cause cell death and induce or evade inflammation. Because of the large genetic diversity within the species, both harmless and highly virulent genotypes of the bacterium have emerged. The oral condition and age, as well as the geographic origin of the individual, influence the risk to be colonized by a virulent genotype of the bacterium. In the present review, the virulence and pathogenicity properties of A. actinomycetemcomitans will be addressed.

Dynamical properties of elemental metabolism distinguish attention deficit hyperactivity disorder from autism spectrum disorder.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are neurodevelopmental conditions of overlapping etiologies and phenotypes. For ASD, we recently reported altered elemental metabolic patterns in the form of short and irregular zinc and copper cycles. Here, we extend the application of these biomarkers of prenatal and early postnatal elemental metabolism to distinguish between individuals diagnosed with ADHD and/or ASD and neurotypical controls. We recruited twins discordant for ADHD, ASD and other neurodevelopmental diagnoses from national twin studies in Sweden (N = 74) diagnosed according to DSM-5 clinical consensus and standardized psychiatric instruments. Detailed temporal profiles of exposure to 10 metals over the prenatal and early childhood periods were measured using tooth biomarkers. We used recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) to characterize properties of cyclical metabolic patterns of these metals. Regularity (determinism) and complexity (entropy) of elemental cycles was consistently reduced in ADHD for cobalt, lead, and vanadium (determinism: cobalt, β = -0.03, P = 0.017; lead, β = -0.03, P = 0.016; and vanadium, β = -0.03, P = 0.01. Entropy: cobalt, β = -0.13, P = 0.017; lead, β = -0.18, P = 0.016; and vanadium, β = -0.15, P = 0.008). Further, we found elemental pathways and dynamical features specific to ADHD vs ASD, and unique characteristics associated with ADHD/ASD combined presentation. Dysregulation of cyclical processes in elemental metabolism during prenatal and early postnatal development not only encompasses pathways shared by ADHD and ASD, but also comprise features specific to either condition.

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