
About Bjørklund G, Tinkov AA, Dadar M, Rahman MM, Chirumbolo S, Skalny AV, Skalnaya MG, Haley BE, Ajsuvakova OP, Aaseth J.

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So far Bjørklund G, Tinkov AA, Dadar M, Rahman MM, Chirumbolo S, Skalny AV, Skalnaya MG, Haley BE, Ajsuvakova OP, Aaseth J. has created 994 blog entries.

Insights into the Potential Role of Mercury in Alzheimer’s Disease.

Mercury (Hg), which is a non-essential element, is considered a highly toxic pollutant for biological systems even when present at trace levels. Elevated Hg exposure with the growing release of atmospheric pollutant Hg and rising accumulations of mono-methylmercury (highly neurotoxic) in seafood products have increased its toxic potential for humans. This review aims to highlight the potential relationship between Hg exposure and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), based on the existing literature in the field. Recent reports have hypothesized that Hg exposure could increase the potential risk of developing AD. Also, AD is known as a complex neurological disorder with increased amounts of both extracellular neuritic plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles, which may also be related to lifestyle and genetic variables. Research reports on AD and relationships between Hg and AD indicate that neurotransmitters such as serotonin, acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine, and glutamate are dysregulated in patients with AD. Many researchers have suggested that AD patients should be evaluated for Hg exposure and toxicity. Some authors suggest further exploration of the Hg concentrations in AD patients. Dysfunctional signaling pathways in AD and Hg exposure appear to be interlinked with some driving factors such as arachidonic acid, homocysteine, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) sulfate, hydrogen peroxide, glucosamine glycans, glutathione, acetyl-L carnitine, melatonin, and HDL. This evidence suggests the need for a better understanding of the relationship between AD and Hg exposure, and potential mechanisms underlying the effects of Hg exposure on regional brain functions. Also, further studies evaluating brain functions are needed to explore the long-term effects of subclinical and untreated Hg toxicity on the brain function of AD patients.

The Long-Term Algae Extract (Chlorella and Fucus sp) and Aminosulphurate Supplementation Modulate SOD-1 Activity and Decrease Heavy Metals (Hg++, Sn) Levels in Patients with Long-Term Dental Titanium Implants and Amalgam Fillings Restorations.

The toxicity of heavy metals such as Hg++ is a serious risk for human health. We evaluated whether 90 days of nutritional supplementation (d90, n = 16) with Chlorella vulgaris (CV) and Fucus sp extracts in conjunction with aminosulphurate (nutraceuticals) supplementation could detox heavy metal levels in patients with long-term titanium dental implants (average: three, average: 12 years in mouth) and/or amalgam fillings (average: four, average: 15 years) compared to baseline levels (d0: before any supplementation, n = 16) and untreated controls (without dental materials) of similar age (control, n = 21). In this study, we compared levels of several heavy metals/oligoelements in these patients after 90 days (n = 16) of nutritional supplementation with CV and aminozuphrates extract with their own baseline levels (d0, n = 16) and untreated controls (n = 21); 16 patients averaging 44 age years old with long-term dental amalgams and titanium implants for at least 10 years (average: 12 years) were recruited, as well as 21 non-supplemented controls (without dental materials) of similar age. The following heavy metals were quantified in hair samples as index of chronic heavy metal exposure before and after 90 days supplementation using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and expressed as μg/g of hair (Al, Hg++, Ba, Ag, Sb, As, Be, Bi, Cd, Pb, Pt, Tl, Th, U, Ni, Sn, and Ti). We also measured several oligoelements (Ca++, Mg++, Na+, K+, Cu++, Zn++, Mn++, Cr, V, Mo, B, I, P, Se, Sr, P, Co, Fe++, Ge, Rb, and Zr). The algae and nutraceutical supplementation during 90 consecutive days decreased Hg++, Ag, Sn, and Pb at 90 days as compared to baseline levels. The mercury levels at 90 days decreased as compared with the untreated controls. The supplementation contributed to reducing heavy metal levels. There were increased lithium (Li) and germanium (Ge) levels after supplementation in patients with long-term dental titanium implants and amalgams. They also (d90) increased manganesum (Mn++), phosphorum (P), and iron (Fe++) levels as compared with their own basal levels (d0) and the untreated controls. Finally, decreased SuperOxide Dismutase-1 (SOD-1) activity (saliva) was observed after 90 days of supplementation as compared with basal levels (before any supplementation, d0), suggesting antioxidant effects. Conversely, we detected increased SOD-1 activity after 90 days as compared with untreated controls. This SOD-1 regulation could induce antioxidant effects in these patients. The long-term treatment with algae extract and aminosulphurates for 90 consecutive days decreased certain heavy metal levels (Hg++, Ag, Sn, Pb, and U) as compared with basal levels. However, Hg++ and Sn reductions were observed after 90 days as compared with untreated controls (without dental materials). The dental amalgam restoration using activated nasal filters in conjunction with long-term nutritional supplementation enhanced heavy metals removal. Finally, the long-term supplementation with these algae and aminoazuphrates was safe and non-toxic in patients. These supplements prevented certain deficits in oligoelements without affecting their Na+/K+ ratios after long-term nutraceutical supplementation.

Porphyromonas gingivalis in Alzheimer’s disease brains: Evidence for disease causation and treatment with small-molecule inhibitors.

Porphyromonas gingivalis, the keystone pathogen in chronic periodontitis, was identified in the brain of Alzheimer’s disease patients. Toxic proteases from the bacterium called gingipains were also identified in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients, and levels correlated with tau and ubiquitin pathology. Oral P. gingivalis infection in mice resulted in brain colonization and increased production of Aβ1-42, a component of amyloid plaques. Further, gingipains were neurotoxic in vivo and in vitro, exerting detrimental effects on tau, a protein needed for normal neuronal function. To block this neurotoxicity, we designed and synthesized small-molecule inhibitors targeting gingipains. Gingipain inhibition reduced the bacterial load of an established P. gingivalis brain infection, blocked Aβ1-42 production, reduced neuroinflammation, and rescued neurons in the hippocampus. These data suggest that gingipain inhibitors could be valuable for treating P. gingivalis brain colonization and neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease.

Subcutaneous emphysema in patients under going root canal treatment: a systematic review of the factors affecting its development and management


Subcutaneous emphysema is an infrequent mishap during root canal treatment which, in rare cases, can lead to severe complications.


To systematically review the literature on the factors affecting the development of subcutaneous emphysema during root canal treatment, and on its management.


An electronic search was conducted in EMBASE (1947-2018), LILACS (1982-2018), PubMed (1950-2018), SciELO (1997-2018), Scopus (1970-2018), Web of Science (1900-2018) and two grey literature databases. Moreover, all issues of nine journals and four endodontic textbooks were hand-searched.


The retrieved studies were screened by two reviewers to select clinical studies, case reports or case series describing subcutaneous emphysema that developed during or immediately after root canal treatment in adult patients.


Included studies were critically appraised according to a custom list of quality requirements. The extracted data were arranged in tables, and combined through a narrative synthesis.


The search retrieved 99 unique articles. Thirty six case reports and 15 case series describing a total of 65 cases of subcutaneous emphysema were included in this review. The methodological quality was medium. Reported cases of emphysema more often involved females and maxillary teeth. Drying of the root canal system with air under pressure, inadvertent extrusion of hydrogen peroxide through the apical foramen, the air-water spray produced by handpieces or laser devices, and the use of ozone gas were the most commonly suspected causes. Its management involved prescription of antibiotics and NSAIDs/analgesics, local application of ice packs or compresses and hospitalization. The signs and symptoms resolved completely within 1-17 days.


Case reports and case series are a low level of evidence.


Subcutaneous emphysema can develop during both nonsurgical and surgical root canal treatment. Pressurized air streams or air-water sprays should not be directed towards the root canals or areas with mucosal discontinuity. None of the management approaches were clearly related to expedited recovery. Guidelines should be developed in order to avoid unnecessary or potentially harmful interventions.

By |2020-01-14T02:01:06+00:00January 1st, 2019|Other|

The Sixth Extinction: Vaccine Immunity and Measles Mutants in a Virgin Soil.

For more than 25 years, I have been, as a gastroenterologist, interested in inflammatory bowel disease—Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis—and the gut-brain connection, particularly in childhood autism. In addition, I am concerned with the environmental factors that are driving the current epidemics of both autism and inflammatory bowel disease. The issue is contentious, and one’s view depends greatly on perspective. This article provides one perspective on the delicate and often misunderstood ecological balance between man and microbe, a misunderstanding fraught with assumptions and wishful thinking.

By |2020-01-30T02:10:41+00:00January 1st, 2019|Other|

Fluoride exposure from infant formula and child IQ in a Canadian birth cohort.


Infant consumption of formula reconstituted with fluoridated water can lead to excessive fluoride intake. We examined the association between fluoride exposure in infancy and intellectual ability in children who lived in fluoridated or non-fluoridated cities in Canada.


We examined 398 mother-child dyads in the Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals cohort who reported drinking tap water. We estimated water fluoride concentration using municipal water reports. We used linear regression to analyze the association between fluoride exposure and IQ scores, measured by the Wechsler Primary and Preschool Scale of Intelligence-III at 3-4 years. We examined whether feeding status (breast-fed versus formula-fed) modified the impact of water fluoride and if fluoride exposure during fetal development attenuated this effect. A second model estimated the association between fluoride intake from formula and child IQ.


Thirty-eight percent of mother-child dyads lived in fluoridated communities. An increase of 0.5 mg/L in water fluoride concentration (approximately equaling the difference between fluoridated and non-fluoridated regions) corresponded to a 9.3- and 6.2-point decrement in Performance IQ among formula-fed (95% CI: -13.77, -4.76) and breast-fed children (95% CI: -10.45, -1.94). The association between water fluoride concentration and Performance IQ remained significant after controlling for fetal fluoride exposure among formula-fed (B = -7.93, 95% CI: -12.84, -3.01) and breastfed children (B = -6.30, 95% CI: -10.92, -1.68). A 0.5 mg increase in fluoride intake from infant formula corresponded to an 8.8-point decrement in Performance IQ (95% CI: -14.18, -3.34) and this association remained significant after controlling for fetal fluoride exposure (B = -7.62, 95% CI: -13.64, -1.60).


Exposure to increasing levels of fluoride in tap water was associated with diminished non-verbal intellectual abilities; the effect was more pronounced among formula-fed children.

A Novel Dental Sealant Containing Dimethylaminohexadecyl Methacrylate Suppresses the Cariogenic Pathogenicity of Streptococcus mutans Biofilms.

Cariogenic oral biofilms are strongly linked to dental caries around dental sealants. Quaternary ammonium monomers copolymerized with dental resin systems have been increasingly explored for modulation of biofilm growth. Here, we investigated the effect of dimethylaminohexadecyl methacrylate (DMAHDM) on the cariogenic pathogenicity of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) biofilms. DMAHDM at 5 mass% was incorporated into a parental formulation containing 20 mass% nanoparticles of amorphous calcium phosphate (NACP). S. mutans biofilms were grown on the formulations, and biofilm inhibition and virulence properties were assessed. The tolerances to acid stress and hydrogen peroxide stress were also evaluated. Our findings suggest that incorporating 5% DMAHDM into 20% NACP-containing sealants (1) imparts a detrimental biological effect on S. mutans by reducing colony-forming unit counts, metabolic activity and exopolysaccharide synthesis; and (2) reduces overall acid production and tolerance to oxygen stress, two major virulence factors of this microorganism. These results provide a perspective on the value of integrating bioactive restorative materials with traditional caries management approaches in clinical practice. Contact-killing strategies via dental materials aiming to prevent or at least reduce high numbers of cariogenic bacteria may be a promising approach to decrease caries in patients at high risk.

Natural antidotes and management of metal toxicity.

The global burden of heavy metal especially mercury, arsenic, lead, and cadmium toxicities remains a significant public health challenge. Developing nations are particularly at high risk and carry the highest burden of this hazard. Chelation therapy has been the mainstay for treatment of heavy metal poisoning where the chelating agent binds metal ions to form complex ring-like structures called “chelates” to enhance their elimination from the body. Metal chelators have some drawbacks such as redistribution of some heavy metals from other tissues to the brain thereby increasing its neurotoxicity, causing loss of essential metals such as copper and zinc as well as some serious adverse effects, e.g., hepatotoxicity. The use of natural antidotes, which are easily available, affordable, and with little or no side effects compared to the classic metal chelators, is the focus of this review and suggested as cheaper options for developing nations in the treatment of heavy metal poisoning.

By |2020-12-09T01:53:46+00:00January 1st, 2019|Other|

Buchalla W. Penetration depth of irrigants into root dentine after sonic, ultrasonic and photoacoustic activation.


To compare penetration depths of endodontic irrigants into the dentinal tubules of extracted teeth when using several activation methods.


The root canals of 90 extracted human teeth were prepared to size 40, .06 taper. The straight and round-shaped root canals were distributed randomly into six groups, and final irrigation was performed with EDTA and sodium hypochlorite as follows: (I) manual dynamic activation, (II) Ultrasonic, (III) Sonic, (IV) PIPS (photon-induced photoacoustic streaming, (V) SWEEPS (shock-wave enhanced emission photoacoustic streaming) and (0) control without final irrigation or activation. Subsequently, methylene blue was inserted into the canals and activated according to the groups (I-V). Teeth were sectioned horizontally, imaged under a light microscope, and dye penetration depths were measured in six sections per tooth and 24 points on a virtual clock-face per section. Data were analysed statistically by nonparametric tests for whole teeth and separately for coronal, middle and apical thirds.


Penetration of dye into the dentinal tubules was lowest for the controls. Median penetration depths amounted to 700-900 μm for groups I-V with differences in the apical thirds between group I and the other test groups. Minimum penetration depths were significantly greater for PIPS in the apical thirds (P ≤ 0.046).


Greater penetration depths occurred in the apical thirds for ultrasonic, sonic and laser-induced activation compared to manual dynamic activation. PIPS was associated with deeper penetration of irrigants. The novel SWEEPS mode did not increase irrigant penetration

Association between maternal fluoride exposure during pregnancy and IQ scores in offspring in Canada.


The potential neurotoxicity associated with exposure to fluoride, which has generated controversy about community water fluoridation, remains unclear.


To examine the association between fluoride exposure during pregnancy and IQ scores in a prospective birth cohort.
Design, Setting, and Participants:

This prospective, multicenter birth cohort study used information from the Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals cohort. Children were born between 2008 and 2012; 41% lived in communities supplied with fluoridated municipal water. The study sample included 601 mother-child pairs recruited from 6 major cities in Canada; children were between ages 3 and 4 years at testing. Data were analyzed between March 2017 and January 2019.


Maternal urinary fluoride (MUFSG), adjusted for specific gravity and averaged across 3 trimesters available for 512 pregnant women, as well as self-reported maternal daily fluoride intake from water and beverage consumption available for 400 pregnant women.
Main Outcomes and Measures:

Children’s IQ was assessed at ages 3 to 4 years using the Wechsler Primary and Preschool Scale of Intelligence-III. Multiple linear regression analyses were used to examine covariate-adjusted associations between each fluoride exposure measure and IQ score.

Of 512 mother-child pairs, the mean (SD) age for enrollment for mothers was 32.3 (5.1) years, 463 (90%) were white, and 264 children (52%) were female. Data on MUFSG concentrations, IQ scores, and complete covariates were available for 512 mother-child pairs; data on maternal fluoride intake and children’s IQ were available for 400 of 601 mother-child pairs. Women living in areas with fluoridated tap water (n = 141) compared with nonfluoridated water (n = 228) had significantly higher mean (SD) MUFSG concentrations (0.69 [0.42] mg/L vs 0.40 [0.27] mg/L; P = .001; to convert to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.05263) and fluoride intake levels (0.93 [0.43] vs 0.30 [0.26] mg of fluoride per day; P = .001). Children had mean (SD) Full Scale IQ scores of 107.16 (13.26), range 52-143, with girls showing significantly higher mean (SD) scores than boys: 109.56 (11.96) vs 104.61 (14.09); P = .001. There was a significant interaction (P = .02) between child sex and MUFSG (6.89; 95% CI, 0.96-12.82) indicating a differential association between boys and girls. A 1-mg/L increase in MUFSG was associated with a 4.49-point lower IQ score (95% CI, -8.38 to -0.60) in boys, but there was no statistically significant association with IQ scores in girls (B = 2.40; 95% CI, -2.53 to 7.33). A 1-mg higher daily intake of fluoride among pregnant women was associated with a 3.66 lower IQ score (95% CI, -7.16 to -0.14) in boys and girls.

Conclusions and Relevance:

In this study, maternal exposure to higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children aged 3 to 4 years. These findings indicate the possible need to reduce fluoride intake during pregnancy.

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