
About Yang J, Jiang Z, Wang Y, Qureshi IA, Wu XD

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So far Yang J, Jiang Z, Wang Y, Qureshi IA, Wu XD has created 994 blog entries.

Maternal-fetal transfer of metallic mercury via the placenta and milk.

To clarify the situation of trans-placental movement and milk screening of metallic mercury in human, the content of mercury was detected in the maternal blood, umbilical cord blood, milk, and placental tissues. In 18 parturient women, 9 had been occupationally exposed to metallic mercury whereas the other 9 had not. Mercury was detected by means of cold vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results showed that the concentrations of mercury of the umbilical cord blood and placental tissues were higher than that of maternal blood. The ratio of organic and total mercury of milk was markedly lower than that of maternal blood in the exposed group (P < 0.01). The ratio of inorganic to total mercury of milk was significantly higher than that of maternal blood (P < 0.01). Therefore, this study concluded that the metallic mercury can be transferred to the fetus via the placenta and secreted to a newborn via milk.

By |2019-12-03T01:18:36+00:00January 1st, 1997|Mercury|

Possible environmental, occupational, and other etiologic factors for Parkinson’s disease: a case‐control study in Germany

In a case-control study, we investigated the possible etiologic relevance to Parkinson’s disease (PD) of rural factors such as farming activity, pesticide exposures, well-water drinking, and animal contacts; toxicologic exposures such as wood preservatives, heavy metals, and solvents; general anesthesia; head trauma; and differences in the intrauterine environment. We recruited 380 patients in nine German clinics, 379 neighborhood control subjects, and 376 regional control subjects in the largest case-control study investigating such factors and collected data in structured personal interviews using conditional logistic regression to control for educational status and cigarette smoking. The latter was strongly inversely associated with PD. There were significantly elevated odds ratios (OR) for pesticide use, in particular, for organochlorines and alkylated phosphates, but no association was present between PD and other rural factors. A significantly elevated OR was present for exposure to wood preservatives. Subjective assessment by the probands indicated that exposure to some heavy metals, solvents, exhaust fumes, and carbon monoxide was significantly more frequent among patients than control subjects, but this was not confirmed by a parallel assessment of job histories according to a job exposure matrix. Patients had undergone general anesthesia and suffered severe head trauma more often than control subjects, but a dose-response gradient was not present. Patients reported a significantly larger number of amalgam-filled teeth before their illness than control subjects. The frequency of premature births and birth order did not differ between patients and control subjects. Patients reported significantly more relatives affected with PD than control subjects. These results support a role for environmental and genetic factors in the etiology of PD.

A scanning electron microscopic evaluation of in vitro dentinal tubules penetration by selected anaerobic bacteria.

In vitro root canal dentinal tubule invasion by selected anaerobic bacteria commonly isolated from endodontic infections was evaluated. Dentinal cylinders obtained from bovine incisors were inoculated with bacteria, and microbial penetration into tubules was demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy. The results indicated that all bacterial strains tested were able to penetrate into dentinal tubules, but to different extents.

By |2018-08-30T21:58:18+00:00January 1st, 1996|Periodontal Disease|

The pathophysiology of alveolar osteonecrosis of the jaw: anticardiolipin antibodies, thrombophilia, and hypofibrinolysis.

We studied 55 patients (50 women, 5 men) with severe facial pain and biopsy-proven neuralgia-inducing cavitational osteonecrosis (NICO) of the alveolar bone of the jaws. Our aim was to assess the pathophysiologic contributions to NICO of anticardiolipin antibodies (aCLA), thrombophilia (increased tendency to intravascular thrombi), and hypofibrinolysis (reduced ability to lyse thrombi). Of the 55 patients, 43 (78%) had one or more tests positive for thrombophilia or hypofibrinolysis (or both), and only 12 (22%) were normal. Eighteen of 55 (33%) patients had high aCLA (> 2 SD above mean value for control subjects); immunoglobulin G (IgG) (p = 0.01) and immunoglobulin A (IgA)(p = 0.001) levels were higher in patients than in controls. The distribution of elevated aCLA immunoglobulin classes among patients was as follows: IgG alone, 5 (9%); IgA alone, 7 (13%); and IgM alone, 3 (5%). Three patients (5%) had high levels of both IgG and IgA aCLA. Other defects of the thrombotic or fibrinolytic systems in the 55 patients included high lipoprotein(a) in 36% (vs 20% in control subjects (p = 0.03)), low stimulated tissue plasminogen activator activity (tPA-Fx) in 22% (vs 7% in control subjects (p = 0.08)), high plasminogen activator inhibitor activity (PAI-Fx) in 18% (vs 8% in control subjects (p = 0.03)), resistance to activated protein C in 16% (vs 0% in control subjects (p = 0.007)), low antigenic protein C in 4+ (vs 0% in control subjects (p > 0.2)), and low antigenic protein S in 4% (vs 0% in control subjects (p > 0.2)). Anticardiolipin antibodies and other defects of the thrombotic and fibrinolytic systems appear to be common, potentially reversible pathogenetic risk factors associated with osteonecrosis of the jaw

Cardiac arrest caused by trigeminal neuralgia.

A 67-year-old man with a 12-year history of trigeminal neuralgia experienced multiple fainting episodes preceded by right facial pain. One episode resulted in cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation. Pacemaker insertion prevented further episodes of syncope despite the occurrence of pain. The fainting episodes and cardiac arrest are believed to be unusual manifestations of trigeminal neuralgia.

Thrombophilia, hypofibrinolysis, and alveolar osteonecrosis of the jaws. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontics.


Our specific aim in 49 patients (42 women, 7 men) with osteonecrosis of the jaw was to determine whether thrombophilia (increased tendency to intravascular thrombosis) or hypofibrinolysis (reduced ability to lyse thrombi) were associated with this regional avascular necrosis.


Determinants of thrombosis and fibrinolysis were compared in healthy controls and in 42 women and 7 men who had biopsy-proven idiopathic osteonecrosis of the jaw with severe chronic jaw or facial pain syndromes and failure to respond to conventional medical and dental treatments.


Of the 49 patients, 35 (71%) had thrombophilia or hypofibrinolysis and only 14 were normal. Thrombophilia as a sole coagulation defect was found in 10 patients, 7 with resistance to activated protein C and 3 with low protein C (deficiency of an antithrombotic protein). Hypofibrinolysis with low stimulated tissue plasminogen activator activity and high lipoprotein (a) (an atherogenic, hypofibrinolytic lipoprotein) were found as sole coagulation defects in seven and eight patients, respectively. Ten patients had mixed defects; 7 of these 10 had thrombophilia with resistance to activated protein C. Sinusoidal dilatation was a constant feature in maxillary and mandibular bone biopsies, suggesting venous occlusion with intramedullary hypertension. Marrow fibrosis and occasional fibrin plugs were additional microscopic features believed to impair venous drainage and to contribute to ischemic necrosis of the alveolar bone.


Primary thrombophilia and hypofibrinolysis appear to be common, heritable, pathophysiologic risk factors for idiopathic osteonecrosis of the jaws. These coagulation defects may also contribute to alveolar neuralgia, atypical odontalgia and facial neuralgia, idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia, and to treatment failures so often encountered in patients with alveolar osteonecrosis and disabling chronic facial and jawbone pain syndromes.

No evidence of renal toxicity from amalgam fillings.

Dental amalgam continuously releases mercury. Studies of sheep [Boyd et al., Am. J. Physiol. 261 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 30): R1010-R1014, 1991] showed decreased renal function after placement of amalgam fillings. In this study, renal function was investigated in 10 healthy volunteers before and after amalgam removal. The subjects had an average of 18 tooth surfaces filled with amalgam, which was removed during one dental session. One week before and sixty days after removal, the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was determined by 51Cr-EDTA clearance technique. Blood and urine samples were collected for analysis of mercury, creatinine, beta 2-microglobulin, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase (NAG), and albumin 1 wk before and 1, 2, and 60 days after amalgam removal. The plasma mercury concentration increased significantly 1 day after removal. Sixty days later, significantly lower mercury levels were found in blood, plasma, and urine. The GFR values were similar before and after mercury exposure (mean 94 and 94 ml/min per 1.73 m2, respectively). No detectable effects occurred on excretion of NAG, beta 2-microglobulin, or albumin. It is concluded that no signs of renal toxicity could be found in conjunction with mercury released from amalgam fillings.

Recent advances in the biomedicinal chemistry of fluorine-containing compounds. Chapter 1 in Ojima et al.; Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry. ACS Symposium Series.

In the first part of our review, biochemical aspects of the biomedicinal chemisty of fluorinated compounds will be covered.  Medicinal aspects of this field are then discussed, with emphasis on drugs that have been recently marketed, or are in the final phases of testing.

By |2018-07-24T19:26:12+00:00January 1st, 1996|Fluoride|

Resistance of the normal human microflora to mercury and antimicrobials after exposure to mercury from dental amalgam fillings.

The concentrations of mercury in saliva and feces and the resistance pattern of the gastrointestinal microflora were investigated for 20 subjects. Ten patients, with a mean number of 19 amalgam surfaces, had all amalgam fillings removed during one dental session. Ten subjects without amalgam fillings served as a control group. Saliva and fecal samples were collected before amalgam removal and 2, 7, 14, and 60 days afterward. Mercury levels in saliva and feces correlated significantly with the number of amalgam surfaces. No differences in the resistance pattern of the oral microflora were detected between the two groups. In the amalgam group there was an increase in the relative number of intestinal microorganisms resistant to mercury, ampicillin, cefoxitin, erythromycin, and clindamycin on days 7-14. This was not statistically significant in light of the normal variations of the control group. A significant correlation between the prevalence of mercury resistance and multiple antimicrobial resistance in intestinal bacterial strains was observed.

By |2018-07-20T17:22:13+00:00January 1st, 1996|Mercury|
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