
About Stejskal V, Nilsson R, Grepe A.

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So far Stejskal V, Nilsson R, Grepe A. has created 994 blog entries.

Immunologic basis for adverse reactions to radiographic contrast media.

The lymphocyte transformation test (LTT) was used to elucidate whether certain side effects induced by radiographic contrast media have an immunologic etiology. Groups studied were: 8 patients who had previously experienced adverse reactions in association with urography, 6 patients who underwent urography without notable side reactions, 17 occupationally exposed nurses, and 9 unexposed controls. The lymphocytes from 2 hypersensitive patients and from 11 nurses exhibited a positive proliferative response to amidotrizoate. Five nurses who had shown a positive response, had a previous history of hypersensitivity reactions when handling contrast media, whereas the remaining 6 were free of symptoms. Amidotrizoate-specific memory cells were absent in patients who underwent urography without signs of hypersensitivity and in 7/9 of unexposed control subjects. Lymphocytes from patients sensitive to amidotrizoate cross-reacted to structurally related ionic contrast media while non-ionic contrast agents did not induce proliferation of the lymphocytes. Thus, ionic radiographic contrast agents have antigenic properties in man. Irradiated mixtures of radiographic contrast media and serum proteins were, in general, not effective in inducing an LTT response.

By |2018-07-31T19:49:53+00:00January 1st, 1990|Other|

Intraradicular bacteria and fungi in root-filled, asymptomatic human teeth with therapy-resistant periapical lesions: a long-term light and electron microscopic follow-up study.

Light and electron microscopy were used to analyze nine therapy-resistant and asymptomatic human periapical lesions, which were removed as block biopsies during surgical treatment of the affected teeth. The cases that required surgery represented about 10% of all of the cases which received endodontic treatment and root fillings during the period 1977 to 1984. These cases revealed periapical lesions when they were examined 4 to 10 yr after treatment. The biopsies were processed for correlated light and electron microscopy. Six of the nine biopsies revealed the presence of microorganisms in the apical root canal. Four contained one or more species of bacteria and two revealed yeasts. Of the four cases in which bacteria were found, only in one biopsy could they be found by light microscope. In the other three specimens, the bacterial presence could be confirmed only after repeated electron microscopic examination of the apical root canal by serial step-cutting technique. Among the three cases in which no microorganisms could be encountered, one showed histopathological features of a foreign body giant cell granuloma. These findings suggest that in the majority of root-filled human teeth with therapy-resistant periapical lesions, microorganisms may persist and may play a significant role in endodontic treatment failures. In certain instances such lesions may also be sustained by foreign body giant cell type of tissue responses at the periapex of root-filled teeth.

Fluoride accumulation and bone strength in wild black-crowned night-herons.

Fluoride was measured in femurs of black-crowned night-herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) living adjacent to a phosphate processing complex near Pocatello, Idaho. Fluoride (ash wt.) in femurs ranged from 540 micrograms/g to 11,000 micrograms/g and increased (P = 0.0001) with age, but with no difference (P = 0.80) between sexes. Adult males (greater than or equal to 4 years) contained 5,409 micrograms/g compared to 6,042 micrograms/g for adult females. The tibiotarsus (= tibiae in text) increased in diameter with age (P = 0.015) in this study; fluoride was nearly related (P = 0.065) to the increase. As the diameter increased with age, wall thickness decreased (P = 0.011) suggesting excessive internal bone resorption, but fluoride concentrations were not implicated in the relationship (p = 0.64). The apparent increase in diameter and decrease in wall thickness may have partially neutralized each other’s effects on strength. Although significantly higher concentrations of fluoride were present in adults than in Third Year herons, no significant change in bone strength (maximum load or modulus of rupture) was detected between the two age classes, but three of the four comparisons showed adults with less strength (i.e., a hint of diminished strength with age). The tibiae of Hatch Year birds were significantly weaker than documented in older age classes, but incomplete growth was thought responsible. The strong relationship between age and fluoride concentrations reduced our ability to separate a “fluoride effect” from an “age effect.” Other authors believed fluoride was responsible for an increase in bone diameter and the fluoride residues encountered in adults were within the range indicative of poisoning in cattle.

By |2018-07-23T17:23:11+00:00January 1st, 1990|Fluoride|

Fluoride uptake into demineralized primary enamel from fluoride-impregnated dental floss in vitro.

Fluoridated mouthrinses are not advised for preschool children who may swallow much of the agent. An alternate method of delivering topical fluoride to the interproximal tooth surfaces in these young patients may be fluoridated dental floss. The purpose of this study was to determine the fluoride levels of demineralized primary enamel both before and after the use of a commercially available dental floss impregnated with commercially available fluoride-containing products. The results showed that demineralized primary tooth surfaces treated with fluoride-impregnated dental floss exhibited significantly higher fluoride levels than those surfaces treated by immersion in a fluoridated mouthrinse or deionized water.

The nutritional relationships of copper.

The importance of copper nutriture is obvious due to its requirement in enzyme systems. Often the adverse effects of copper toxicity are given more consideration than copper deficiency. However, copper balance is important particularly in relationship to other nutrients. Just as much consideration should be given to the possibility of copper deficiency as to copper toxicity.

By |2018-08-03T16:21:05+00:00January 1st, 1989|Other|

Non‐occupatonal metal‐related contact in women with psoriasis.

The various defects in cell-mediated immunity in psoriasis might also involve a loss of tolerance to nickel, high levels of which have been detected in psoriatic keratin (I). No data is available on the frequency of nickel sensitivity in psoriasis. A nickel induced psoriatic response strictly limited to the site of contact, with no evidence of the disease elsewhere, is rarely detected in this unit. A preliminary study was therefore undertaken to assess the frequency of concurrent nickel-induced psoriasis, especially in young women.

By |2018-08-25T15:51:11+00:00January 1st, 1989|Mercury|

Veterans administration cooperative studies project No. 147. Part IV: biocompatibility of base metal alloys.

Restorative alloys with a high percentage of nickel are relatively new to the field of fixed prosthodontics. These alloys have gained favor because of their strength and low cost. Since 1970, the use of these alloys has climbed from small usage to 32’70 to 80’70 of the restorations in the United States.  Clinically, these alloys appear to perform as well as the gold based alloys. Although the problems with base metal alloys seem to be minor, there are concerns that longitudinal and epidemiologic studies may show biocompatibility problems in patient sensitivity, and carcinogenicity in the laboratory technician and dentist.

By |2018-08-28T18:17:51+00:00January 1st, 1987|Mercury|

Genotoxic effect of an environmental pollutant, sodium fluoride, in mammalian in vivo test system

Genotoxicity of Sodium fluoride was evaluated in mice in vivo with the help of different cytogenetic assays. The frequency of chromosome aberration was dose—and time—dependent but not exactly route-dependant. Fractionated dosing induced less aberration. Incidence of micronucleus and sperm abnormality increased with dose. Relative sensitivity of the three assays has been found to be: Sperm abnormality > Chromosome aberration > Micronucleus. The present results have revealed the mutagenic property of NaF.

By |2018-07-28T16:54:30+00:00January 1st, 1987|Fluoride|

Interface corrosion in amalgam-to-amalgam and amalgam-to-nonprecious metal crown couplings.

This study examined the contact surface area in the coupling of a class II amalgam restoration with another class II amalgam restoration or with a stainless steel or nickel-chrome crown in 1% NaCl solution. The characterization of interfaces was carried out by using SEM and EDX microanalysis. The results indicate that the coupling of an amalgam-stainless steel crown and an amalgam-inconel crown in NaCl solution forms a deposit on the crown surfaces. This deposit contains all the constituents of corrodible phases of amalgam, including Zn. If amalgam restorations in adjoining teeth are contemplated, non-Zn-containing amalgam alloys of the same composition should be considered.

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