
About Geer LA, Persad MD, Palmer CD, Steuerwald AJ, Dalloul M, Abulafia O, Parsons PJ.

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So far Geer LA, Persad MD, Palmer CD, Steuerwald AJ, Dalloul M, Abulafia O, Parsons PJ. has created 1044 blog entries.

Assessment of prenatal mercury exposure in a predominately Caribbean immigrant community in Brooklyn, NY.

“Prenatal mercury exposure and its fetotoxic effects may be of particular concern in urban immigrant communities as a result of possible contributing cultural factors. The most common source of exposure in these communities is ingestion of fish and shellfish contaminated with methylmercury. Other sources of exposure may occur in ritualistic practices associated with Hispanic and Caribbean-based religions. This study 1) assessed total mercury levels in both random urine specimens from pregnant women, and in cord blood; and 2) examined environmental sources of exposure from a convenience sample in a predominantly Caribbean immigrant population in Brooklyn, New York. A questionnaire designed in collaboration with health professionals from the Caribbean community assessed the frequency of fish consumption, ritualistic practices, occupational exposures, and use of dental amalgams and mercury-containing skin and household products. The geometric mean for total mercury in cord blood was 2.14 µg L(-1) (95%CI: 1.76-2.60) (n = 78), and 0.45 µg L(-1) (95%CI: 0.37-0.55) (n = 183) in maternal urine corrected for creatinine (µg g(-1)). Sixteen percent of cord blood mercury levels exceeded the estimated equivalent of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Reference Dose (5.8 µg L(-1) blood). Predictors of cord blood mercury included maternal fish consumption and foreign birth of the mother. Predictors of urine mercury included foreign birth of the mother, number of dental amalgams, and special product use. There were no reports of mercury use in ritualistic practices or in cosmetics; however some women reported use of religious medals and charms. This study characterized risk factors for mercury exposure in a sample of urban, predominantly Caribbean-born blacks. Findings may help target interventions in this population, which might include appropriate fish selection and consumption frequency during pregnancy, and safe handling of mercury-containing products in the home.”

Analysis of factors associated with cracked teeth

“Eighty-seven teeth were diagnosed with a cracked tooth (81.3%), 14 were diagnosed with vertical root fracture (VRF, 13.1%), 4 had a split tooth (3.7%), and 2 had a fractured cusp (1.9%); 82.2% showed a sensitive reaction on the bite test. Longitudinal tooth fractures were observed most frequently in patient in their 40s. The upper first molar (28.0%) was most frequently cracked, followed by the lower first molar (25.2%), the lower second molar (20.6%), and the upper second molar (16.8%). Most longitudinal tooth fractures (72.0%) occurred mainly in restored teeth, whereas only 28.0% were found in intact teeth. Compared with resin (4.7%) or porcelain (0.9%), the use of nonbonded inlay restoration materials such as gold (20.5%) or amalgam (18.7%) increased the occurrence of longitudinal tooth fractures. Out of 107 of longitudinal fractured teeth, 33 (30.8%) were treated endodontically and 74 (69.2%) were not. VRF was associated with endodontic treatment.”

By |2018-07-06T00:11:33+00:00January 1st, 2012|Mercury|

Which delivers more mercury, dental amalgam or a tuna fish sandwich?

“The number of amalgam fillings present will determine just how much Hg exposure arises from those fillings. It is obvious that a person with no amalgam (and thus no amalgam-related Hg exposure) will receive greater Hg exposure from eating a tuna fish sandwich. Likewise, however, a person with one or more amalgam fillings will receive more Hg from that source than from tuna fish if that person does not eat tuna fish sandwiches.”

By |2018-07-04T00:42:43+00:00January 1st, 2012|Mercury|

Effect of Mercury Levels and Seafood Intake on Cognitive Function in Middle-aged Adults.

“Little agreement exists as to whether low-level mercury (Hg) exposure causes damage to the central nervous system in adults. Although eating fish is associated with intake of methylmercury, researchers in this field have generally thought that the beneficial effects of a diet rich in long-chain, n-3 fatty acids (N3FA) can outweigh the cognitive neurotoxicity of mercury.
Objective: This study intended to clarify the impact of Hg and intake of seafood on cognition.
Design: The study was a retrospective, cross-sectional analysis.
Setting: The research team performed the study at the Carillon Outpatient Center in St Petersburg, Florida.
Participants: Participants were 384 men and women, primarily corporate executives, who were attending an all-day comprehensive physical evaluation.”

By |2018-06-26T22:21:33+00:00January 1st, 2012|Mercury|

Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ): 5 year experience in the treatment of 131 cases with ozone therapy.

“AIM: The authors present their protocol based upon medical treatment,antibiotic and antimycotic, together with minimally invasive surgery and ozone therapy developed after a 5 year experience to assess the viability of this treatment.”

Mercury disposition in suckling rats: comparative assessment following parenteral exposure to thiomersal and mercuric chloride.

“Due to the facts that thiomersal-containing vaccine is still in use in many developing countries, and all forms of mercury have recognised neurotoxic, nephrotoxic, and other toxic effects, studies on disposition of ethylmercury and other mercury forms are still justified, especially at young age. Our investigation aimed at comparing mercury distribution and rate of excretion in the early period of life following exposure to either thiomersal (TM) or mercuric chloride (HgCl2) in suckling rats. Three experimental groups were studied: control, TM, and HgCl2, with 12 to18 pups in each. Both forms of mercury were administered subcutaneously in equimolar quantities (0.81 μmol/kg b.w.) three times during the suckling period (on the days of birth 7, 9, and 11) to mimic the vaccination regimen in infants. After the last administration of TM or HgCl2, total mercury retention and excretion was assessed during following six days. In TM-exposed group mercury retention was higher in the brain, enteral excretion was similar, and urinary excretion was much lower compared to HgCl2-exposed sucklings. More research is still needed to elucidate all aspects of toxicokinetics and most harmful neurotoxic potential of various forms of mercury, especially in the earliest period of life.”

Thimerosal exposure in early life and neuropsychological outcomes 7-10 years later.

“OBJECTIVE: The authors used a public use data set to investigate associations between the receipt of thimerosal-containing vaccines and immune globulins early in life and neuropsychological outcomes assessed at 7-10 years.

The data were originally created by evaluating 1,047 children ages 7-10 years and their biological mothers. This study developed seven latent neuropsychological factors and regressed them on a comprehensive set of covariates and thimerosal exposure variables.

The authors found no statistically significant associations between thimerosal exposure from vaccines early in life and six of the seven latent constructs. There was a small, but statistically significant association between early thimerosal exposure and the presence of tics in boys.

This finding should be interpreted with caution due to limitations in the measurement of tics and the limited biological plausibility regarding a causal relationship.”

Low-level mercury exposure and peripheral nerve function.



Mercury is known to be neurotoxic at high levels. There have been few studies of potential peripheral neurotoxicity among persons with exposure to elemental mercury at or near background levels.


The present study sought to examine the association between urinary mercury concentration and peripheral nerve function as assessed by sensory nerve conduction studies in a large group of dental professionals.


From 1997 through 2006 urine mercury measurements and sensory nerve conduction of the median and ulnar nerves in the dominant hand were performed, and questionnaires were completed, on the same day in a convenience sample of dental professionals who attended annual conventions of the American Dental Association. Linear regression models, including repeated measures models, were used to assess the association of urine mercury with measured nerve function.


3594 observations from 2656 subjects were available for analyses. Urine mercury levels in our study population were higher than, but substantially overlap with, the general population. The only stable significant positive association involved median (not ulnar) sensory peak latency, and only for the model that was based on initial observations and exclusion of subjects with imputed BMI. The present study found no significant association between median or ulnar amplitudes and urine mercury concentration.


At levels of urine mercury that overlap with the general population we found no consistent effect of urine mercury concentration on objectively measured sensory nerve function.”

Mercury in Dental Amalgam and Resin-Based Alternatives: A Comparative Health Risk Evaluation.

“This report begins the process of risk assessment by evaluating the clinical, environmental, and occupational exposures and the toxicity of the alternatives to mercury containing dental amalgam. It uses the fourstep human health risk assessment approach used by U.S. federal agencies. Basing itself on the primary literature, this four-step paradigm includes hazard identification, exposure assessment, toxicity assessment, and risk characterization. Material Safety Data Sheets were secured for the various composite, glass ionomer, and compomer formulations along with preparation and application formulations (etchants, primers, activators, coupling agents, adhesives, and bonding agents). Seventy-eight constituents were identified, organized, and summarized for the different formulations.”

By |2018-04-18T21:22:53+00:00January 1st, 2012|Mercury|
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