Oral lichenoid lesions and contact allergy to dental mercury and gold.
“The role of dental amalgam restorations in the aetiology of oral lichenoid lesions (OLLs) remains controversial. Recent studies suggest that OLL occurring in the absence of cutaneous lesions of lichen planus may be due to cell-mediated (type IV) hypersensitivity to dental restorative metals, in particular, mercury in amalgam. Some authors report that 2/3 of subjects with OLL have contact sensitivity to mercury, although other studies show a much lower figure (1, 2). Martin et al (3) suggest that corrosion of amalgams and the presence of a galvanic effect from dissimilar dental metals in continuous contact (bimetallism) are associated with an increased risk of OLL. We share our experience of OLL and allergy to dental metals. Our aim was to assess the frequency of sensitization to dental mercury and to other metals used in dentistry, particularly gold, in patients with OLL referred to our unit.”