Author: Schofield K.

Source: Autism Open Access.

Year: 2016


Abstract / Excerpt:

The major scientific clue has always been the triggered onset and growth rate of autism. Additionally, the witness of people being diagnosed with severe mercury poisoning from eating high fish diets cannot be ignored. It is not too much a stretch of the imagination to ask if this can happen to an adult what it might do to a small fetus. The development of vaccine therapy and the invention of pharmaceutical drugs has been a wonderful achievement lengthening many lives. However, like many things it has to be controlled and regulated especially when toxic adjuvants are added for enhancement effects. Likewise, the fish we eat are now contaminated worldwide in the lakes and oceans and will not return to natural levels possibly for many centuries.

Citation: Schofield K. Autism, chemicals, probable cause and mitigation: a new examination. Autism Open Access. 2016;6(184):2.