Fluoride interactions: from molecules to disease
Fluoride has long been known to influence the activity of various enzymes in vitro. Later it has been demonstrated that many effects primarily attributed to fluoride are caused by synergistic action of fluoride plus aluminum. Aluminofluoride complexes have been widely used as analogues of phosphate groups to study phosphoryl transfer reactions and heterotrimeric G proteins involvement. A number of reports on their use have appeared, with far-reaching consequences for our understanding of fundamental biological processes. Fluoride plus aluminum send false messages, which are amplified by processes of signal transduction. Many investigations of the longterm administration of fluoride to laboratory animals have demonstrated that fluoride and aluminofluoride complexes can elicit impairment of homeostasis, growth, development, cognition, and behavior. Ameliorative effects of calcium, vitamins C, D, and E have been reported. Numerous epidemiological, ecological, and clinical studies have shown the effects of fluoride on humans. Millions of people live in endemic fluorosis areas. A review of fluoride interactions from molecules to disease is necessary for a sound scientific assessment of health risks, which may be linked to the chronic intake of small doses of fluoride and aluminum from environmental and artificial sources.