
Natural antidotes and management of metal toxicity.

The global burden of heavy metal especially mercury, arsenic, lead, and cadmium toxicities remains a significant public health challenge. Developing nations are particularly at high risk and carry the highest burden of this hazard. Chelation therapy has been the mainstay for treatment of heavy metal poisoning where the chelating agent binds metal ions to form complex ring-like structures called “chelates” to enhance their elimination from the body. Metal chelators have some drawbacks such as redistribution of some heavy metals from other tissues to the brain thereby increasing its neurotoxicity, causing loss of essential metals such as copper and zinc as well as some serious adverse effects, e.g., hepatotoxicity. The use of natural antidotes, which are easily available, affordable, and with little or no side effects compared to the classic metal chelators, is the focus of this review and suggested as cheaper options for developing nations in the treatment of heavy metal poisoning.

By |2020-12-09T01:53:46+00:00January 1st, 2019|Other|

Buchalla W. Penetration depth of irrigants into root dentine after sonic, ultrasonic and photoacoustic activation.


To compare penetration depths of endodontic irrigants into the dentinal tubules of extracted teeth when using several activation methods.


The root canals of 90 extracted human teeth were prepared to size 40, .06 taper. The straight and round-shaped root canals were distributed randomly into six groups, and final irrigation was performed with EDTA and sodium hypochlorite as follows: (I) manual dynamic activation, (II) Ultrasonic, (III) Sonic, (IV) PIPS (photon-induced photoacoustic streaming, (V) SWEEPS (shock-wave enhanced emission photoacoustic streaming) and (0) control without final irrigation or activation. Subsequently, methylene blue was inserted into the canals and activated according to the groups (I-V). Teeth were sectioned horizontally, imaged under a light microscope, and dye penetration depths were measured in six sections per tooth and 24 points on a virtual clock-face per section. Data were analysed statistically by nonparametric tests for whole teeth and separately for coronal, middle and apical thirds.


Penetration of dye into the dentinal tubules was lowest for the controls. Median penetration depths amounted to 700-900 μm for groups I-V with differences in the apical thirds between group I and the other test groups. Minimum penetration depths were significantly greater for PIPS in the apical thirds (P ≤ 0.046).


Greater penetration depths occurred in the apical thirds for ultrasonic, sonic and laser-induced activation compared to manual dynamic activation. PIPS was associated with deeper penetration of irrigants. The novel SWEEPS mode did not increase irrigant penetration

Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease utilizing amyloid and tau as fluid biomarkers.

Current technological advancements in clinical and research settings have permitted a more intensive and comprehensive understanding of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This development in knowledge regarding AD pathogenesis has been implemented to produce disease-modifying drugs. The potential for accessible and effective therapeutic methods has generated a need for detecting this neurodegenerative disorder during early stages of progression because such remedial effects are more profound when implemented during the initial, prolonged prodromal stages of pathogenesis. The aggregation of amyloid-β (Aβ) and tau isoforms are characteristic of AD; thus, they are considered core candidate biomarkers. However, research attempting to establish the reliability of Aβ and tau as biomarkers has culminated in an amalgamation of contradictory results and theories regarding the biomarker concentrations necessary for an accurate diagnosis. In this review, we consider the capabilities and limitations of fluid biomarkers collected from cerebrospinal fluid, blood, and oral, ocular, and olfactory secretions as diagnostic tools for AD, along with the impact of the integration of these biomarkers in clinical settings. Furthermore, the evolution of diagnostic criteria and novel research findings are discussed. This review is a summary and reflection of the ongoing concerted efforts to establish fluid biomarkers as a diagnostic tool and implement them in diagnostic procedures.

By |2019-11-23T01:15:12+00:00January 1st, 2019|Other|

The effect of EDTA-based chelation on patients with diabetes and peripheral artery disease in the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT).

Objective: Approximately 1 in 7 US adults have diabetes; and over 60% of deaths in patients with diabetes have cardiac disease as a principal or contributing cause. Both coronary and peripheral artery disease (PAD) identify high-risk cohorts among patients with diabetes. We have previously demonstrated improved cardiovascular outcomes with edetate disodium-based chelation in post-MI patients with diabetes, enrolled in the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT). In these analyses we further studied the effect size of patients with diabetes and severe disease in 2 vascular beds; coronaries, and lower extremity arteries. We questioned whether greater atherosclerotic burden would attenuate the observed beneficial effect of edetate disodium infusions.

Research design and methods: The multicenter TACT used a double blind, placebo controlled, 2 × 2 factorial design with 1708 participants, randomly assigned to receive edetate disodium-based chelation, or placebo and high dose oral vitamins or placebo. There were 162 (9.5% of 1708) post-MI patients with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and PAD for this post hoc analysis. Patients received up to 40 double-blind intravenous infusions of edetate disodium-based chelation, or placebo. The composite primary endpoint of TACT consisted of death from any cause, myocardial infarction, stroke, coronary revascularization and hospitalization for angina.

Results: The median age was 66 years, 15% female, 5% non-Caucasian, and BMI was 31. Insulin was used by 32% of patients. Active infusions significantly reduced the primary endpoint compared with placebo infusions (HR, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.30-0.92; P = 0.0069), with a 30% absolute risk reduction in the primary endpoint. There was a marked reduction in total mortality from 24% to 11%, although of borderline significance (P = 0.052).

Conclusion: Atherosclerotic disease in multiple vascular beds did not attenuate the beneficial effect of edetate disodium infusions in post MI patients with diabetes. Studies now in progress will prospectively test this post hoc finding.

Comparison of Opioid Prescribing by Dentists in the United States and England.


The United States consumes most of the opioids worldwide despite representing a small portion of the world’s population. Dentists are one of the most frequent US prescribers of opioids despite data suggesting that nonopioid analgesics are similarly effective for oral pain. While oral health and dentist use are generally similar between the United States and England, it is unclear how opioid prescribing by dentists varies between the 2 countries.


To compare opioid prescribing by dentists in the United States and England.
Design, Setting, and Participants:

Cross-sectional study of prescriptions for opioids dispensed from outpatient pharmacies and health care settings between January 1 and December 31, 2016, by dentists in the United States and England. Data were analyzed from October 2018 to January 2019.


Opioids prescribed by dentists.
Main Outcomes and Measures:

Proportion and prescribing rates of opioid prescriptions.


In 2016, the proportion of prescriptions written by US dentists that were for opioids was 37 times greater than the proportion written by English dentists. In all, 22.3% of US dental prescriptions were opioids (11.4 million prescriptions) compared with 0.6% of English dental prescriptions (28 082 prescriptions) (difference, 21.7%; 95% CI, 13.8%-32.1%; P < .001). Dentists in the United States also had a higher number of opioid prescriptions per 1000 population (35.4 per 1000 US population [95% CI, 25.2-48.7 per 1000 population] vs 0.5 per 1000 England population [95% CI, 0.03-3.7 per 1000 population]) and number of opioid prescriptions per dentist (58.2 prescriptions per dentist [95% CI, 44.9-75.0 prescriptions per dentist] vs 1.2 prescriptions per dentist [95% CI, 0.2-5.6 prescriptions per dentist]). While the codeine derivative dihydrocodeine was the sole opioid prescribed by English dentists, US dentists prescribed a range of opioids containing hydrocodone (62.3%), codeine (23.2%), oxycodone (9.1%), and tramadol (4.8%). Dentists in the United States also prescribed long-acting opioids (0.06% of opioids prescribed by US dentists [6425 prescriptions]). Long-acting opioids were not prescribed by English dentists.

Conclusions and Relevance:

This study found that in 2016, dentists in the United States prescribed opioids with significantly greater frequency than their English counterparts. Opioids with a high potential for abuse, such as oxycodone, were frequently prescribed by US dentists but not prescribed in England. These results illustrate how 1 source of opioids differs substantially in the United States vs England. To reduce dental opioid prescribing in the United States, dentists could adopt measures similar to those used in England, including national guidelines for treating dental pain that emphasize prescribing opioids conservatively.

Antiresorptive Agent-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ARONJ): A Twist of Fate in the Bone.

Bisphosphonates (BPs) have been used as antiresorptive agents to treat patients with osteoporosis or metastatic bone cancer, each of which is characterized by bone loss due to the increased bone resorption. However, BPs could cause osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), known as bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ). ONJ is associated with severe pain and deteriorated quality of life. ONJ is also caused by administration of denosumab, a monoclonal antibody against receptor activator of NFκB ligand (RANKL), that functions as a powerful antiresorptive agent. Accordingly, antiresorptive agent-related ONJ (ARONJ) has been advocated, the incidence of which is continuing to increase in Japan as a super-aging society. Importantly, the jawbone is more susceptible to infection compared with bones in other parts of the body, due to the unique anatomical and physiological characteristics; for example, the jawbone with a high remodeling rate is stimulated by teeth during mastication. The risk factors of ARONJ include dental infection, poor occlusal or oral hygiene status, and bone-invasive dental treatment, such as tooth extraction, dental implants, and dentures. Proper collaboration between doctors and dentists is of utmost importance to understand the current status of ARONJ and prevent developing ARONJ. It is also important to ensure that the patients treated with BPs or denosumab can receive appropriate dental treatment. More recently, angiogenesis inhibitors were reported to cause ONJ; thus, medication-related ONJ (MRONJ) has been advocated. This article overviews the concept of MRONJ by focusing on antiresorptive agents and the status of BRONJ in Japan.

By |2019-05-19T01:12:03+00:00January 1st, 2019|Other|

Polished smiles and porcelain teeth

Perhaps the most famous set of false teeth in history rest on a brass cradle in a glass case at the Mount Vernon Estate in Virginia. In another setting, they could be a pair of castanetsimagined by Francis Bacon—a ghastly, disembodied grin that might pursue you, gnashing, through your dreams.
These dentures once belonged to George Washington, first President of the USA, and—as most writers on the subject have observed—they are not made of wood, but a mixture of human teeth, cow or horse teeth, and elephant ivory.

By |2020-01-21T01:14:15+00:00January 1st, 2019|Other|

Evidence for Contamination of Silica Microparticles in Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrices Prepared Using Silica-Coated Plastic Tubes.

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) therapy has been widely applied in regenerative dentistry, and PRF preparation has been optimized to efficiently form fibrin clots using plain glass tubes. Currently, a shortage of commercially available glass tubes has forced PRF users to utilize silica-coated plastic tubes. However, most plastic tubes are approved by regulatory authorities only for diagnostic use and remain to be approved for PRF therapy. To clarify this issue, we quantified silica microparticles incorporated into the PRF matrix. Blood samples were collected into three different brands of silica-containing plastic tubes and were immediately centrifuged following the protocol for advanced-PRF (A-PRF). Advanced-PRF-like matrices were examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), and silica microparticles were quantified using a spectrophotometer. Each brand used silica microparticles of specific size and appearance. Regardless of tube brands and individual donors, significant, but not accidental, levels of silica microparticles were found to be incorporated into the A-PRF-like matrix, which will be consequently incorporated into the implantation sites. Presently, from the increasing data for cytotoxicity of amorphous silica, we cannot exclude the possibility that such A-PRF-like matrices negatively influence tissue regeneration through induction of inflammation. Further investigation should be performed to clarify such potential risks.

Antimicrobial activity of cinnamaldehyde on Streptococcus mutans biofilms.

Streptococcus mutans is considered the most relevant bacteria in the transition of non-pathogenic commensal oral microbiota to biofilms which contribute to the dental caries process. The present study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of a natural plant product, cinnamaldehyde against S. mutans biofilms. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC), minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC), and growth curves were determined to assess its antimicrobial effect against planktonic S. mutans. The biofilm biomass and metabolism with different concentrations of cinnamaldehyde and different incubation time points were assessed using the crystal violet and MTT assays. The biofilms were visualized using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Bacterial cell surface hydrophobicity, aggregation, acid production, and acid tolerance were evaluated after cinnamaldehyde treatment. The gene expression of virulence-related factors (gtfB, gtfC, gtfD, gbpB, comDE, vicR, ciaH, ldh and relA) was investigated by real-time PCR. The MIC and MBC of cinnamaldehyde against planktonic S. mutans were 1000 and 2000 μg/mL, respectively. The results showed that cinnamaldehyde can decrease biofilm biomass and metabolism at sub-MIC concentrations. CLSM images revealed that the biofilm-covered surface areas decreased with increasing concentrations of cinnamaldehyde. Cinnamaldehyde increased cell surface hydrophobicity, reduced S. mutans aggregation, inhibited acid production, and acid tolerance. Genes expressions in the biofilms were down-regulated in the presence of cinnamaldehyde. Therefore, our data demonstrated that cinnamaldehyde at sub-MIC level suppressed the microbial activity on S. mutans biofilm by modulating hydrophobicity, aggregation, acid production, acid tolerance, and virulence gene expression.

By |2020-01-14T01:11:16+00:00January 1st, 2019|Other|
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