Author: Anusavice KJ
Source: Fla Dent J.
Year: 1983
Abstract / Excerpt:
“The risk for inducing toxic reactions in patients as a result of amalgam treatment is negligibly low. For hyper sensitive patients, there is always a potential risk for allergic reactions to many materials. The tissue changes resulting from amalgam sensitivity reactions are relatively mild and will, in most cases, be resolved without any therapeutic treatment.
To reduce the exposure of the patient to mercury, the use of a rubber dam is recommended during insertion, as well as during removal of old amalgam restorations. Effective water-spray and high-vacuum suction procedures should also be employed. Storage of mercury liquid and amalgam scrap should be handled in accordance with procedures recommended by the American Dental Association.”
Anusavice KJ. Consequences of mercury exposure in dentistry: a review of the literature. Fla Dent J. 1983; 54(4):17-9, 21.