Author: Morrison C, Atkinson A, Zamyadi A, Kibuye F, McKie M, Hogard S, Mollica P, Jasim S, Wert EC

Source: Ozone: Science & Engineering

Year: 2021


Abstract / Excerpt:

Ozone disinfection has demonstrated high efficacy against enveloped and non-enveloped viruses, including viruses similar in morphology to SARS CoV-2. Due to this efficacy, numerous gaseous and aqueous phase ozone applications have emerged to potentially inhibit virus persistence in aerosols, surfaces, and water. This review identifies the exposure requirements for virus inactivation and important safety considerations for applications within the built environment (i.e. occupied/unoccupied spaces, air/water/wastewater treatment) and healthcare settings (i.e. ozone therapy, dentistry, handwashing, treatment of personal protection equipment (PPE)). Current research needs are presented to advance the utilization of ozone as a mitigation strategy.

Citation: Morrison C, Atkinson A, Zamyadi A, Kibuye F, McKie M, Hogard S, Mollica P, Jasim S, Wert EC. Critical review and research needs of ozone applications related to virus inactivation: potential implications for SARS-CoV-2. Ozone: Science & Engineering. 2021 Jan 2;43(1):2-0.