Author: Zimmer H, Ludwig H, Bader M, Bailer J, Eickholz P, Staehle HJ, Triebig G.
Source: Int J Hyg Environ Health.
Year: 2002
Although this study suggests that mercury levels are not associated with health effects, it shows that the number of amalgam fillings and the surfaces impacted mercury in saliva, which it does not recommend for "biological monitoring."
Abstract / Excerpt:
“It has been argued that the release of mercury from amalgam fillings is of toxicological relevance. The aim of the study was to determine the internal mercury exposure of two groups differing in their attitude towards possible health hazards by mercury from amalgam fillings. It was to be examined if the two groups differ with regard to the mercury concentration in different biological matrices and to compare the results with current reference values. Blood, urine and saliva samples were analyzed from 40 female subjects who claimed to suffer from serious health damage due to amalgam fillings (“amalgam sensitive subjects”). 43 female control subjects did not claim any association (“amalgam non-sensitive controls”). Mercury was determined by means of cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry. Number and surfaces of amalgam fillings were determined by dentists for each subject. Median (range) mercury levels in blood were 2.35 (0.25-13.40) micrograms/l for “amalgam sensitive subjects” and 2.40 (0.25-10.50) micrograms/l for “amalgam non-sensitive controls”. In urine, the median mercury concentrations were 1.55 (0.06-14.70) micrograms/l and 1.88 (0.20-8.43) micrograms/g creatinine respectively. No significant differences could be found between the two groups. Mercury levels in blood and urine of the examined subjects were within the range of background levels in the general population including persons with amalgam fillings. Stimulated saliva contained 76.4 (6.7-406.0) micrograms mercury/l in “amalgam sensitive subjects” and 57.0 (2.8-559.0) micrograms mercury/l in controls (not significant). Mercury levels in saliva did not correlate with the concentrations in blood and urine, but merely with the number of amalgam fillings or of the filling surfaces. Mercury in saliva is therefore not recommended for a biological monitoring.”
Zimmer H, Ludwig H, Bader M, Bailer J, Eickholz P, Staehle HJ, Triebig G. Determination of mercury in blood, urine and saliva for the biological monitoring of an exposure from amalgam fillings in a group with self-reported adverse health effects. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2002; 205(3):205–11.