Author: ®andall™

Source: Mercury Exposure

Year: 2011


In this video, Dr. Richard J. Chanin, DMD explains issues with the 1995 Saxe "Nun Study," which has often been used to suggest mercury from amalgam fillings is not related to Alzheimer's disease or cognitive dysfunction.  In this clip, Dr. Chanin notes, however, that researchers failed to document whether the nuns without current dental amalgam fillings had them earlier in their lives (i.e. before needing dentures).

Abstract / Excerpt:

“Now the American Dental Association, what they tend to do is they hire a dentist to do a study, and they kind of let them know how they want the study to come out.”


®andall™. " Dr. Richard J. Chanin, DMD discuss deficiencies of the Saxe Nun study.” Uploaded March 21, 2011 by Mercury Exposure.