Author: Rowland IR, Robinson RD, Doherty RA.
Source: Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal.
Year: 1984
The researchers explain, "In conclusion, the results of this study confirm previous reports 10 that the gut flora is the major site of demethylation of MeHg in the mouse and strongly suggest that dietary effects on Hg elimination rates are mediated by changes in demethylating activity of the flora."
Abstract / Excerpt:
"Mice fed either (1) a pelleted rodent diet, (2) evapora ted milk, or (3) a synthetic diet (high protein, low fat) exhibited different rates of whole body mercury elimination and fecal mercury excretion after exposure (per os) to methylmercuric chloride. The percentage of the total mercury body burden present as mercuric mercury was highest (35.3%) in mice fed the synthetic diet (which had the highest rate of mercury elimination) and lowest (6.6%) in the a nimals having the lowest mercury elimination rate (milk-fed mice). Mice fed the synthetic diet had lower mercury concentrations and had a higher proportion of mercuric mercury in their tissues tha n the mice from the other dietary groups. Treatment of the mice with antibiotics throughout the experimental period to suppress the gut flora reduced fecal mercury excretion and the dietary differences in whole body rete ntion of mercury. Tissue mercury concentrations and proportion of organic mercury in feces, cecal contents, liver, and kidneys were increased by a ntibiotic treatment of mice fed the pe lleted or synthetic diets. These results are consistent with the theory that demethylation of methylmercury by intestinal microflora is a major factor determining the excretion rate of mercury."
Rowland IR, Robinson RD, and Doherty RA. Effects of diet on mercury metabolism and excretion in mice given methylmercury: role of gut flora. Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal. 1984; 39(6): 401-408.