Author: Health Canada

Source: Canadian Environmental Protection Act

Year: 1994


Part of this document states, "In this report, initially, a brief description of aspects considered in the evaluation of data relevant to assessment of 'toxic' under paragraph ll(c) of CEPA is presented. This is followed by a description of the principles used in the assessment of exposure and the approach to evaluation of effects for different types of substances ('non-threshold toxicants', 'threshold toxicants', 'possible threshold toxicants' and mixtures)."

Abstract / Excerpt:

“The Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), proclaimed on June 30, 1988, and amended on June 30, 1989, authorizes the Ministers of the Environment and of Health to investigate a wide variety of substances that may be present in the environment and cause adverse effects on the envrronment or on human health.”


Health Canada. Human Health Risk Assessment for Priority Substances. Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada. 1994.