Author: Haley BE.
Source: Medical Vertias.
Year: 2005
This study identifies mercury exposure from dental amalgams and vaccines, and it explores a variety of factors that can influence mercury retention, as well as health conditions potentially related to mercury exposure including autism and Alzheimer's disease.
Abstract / Excerpt:
“Mercury toxicity and intoxication (poisoning) are realities that every American needs to face. Both the Environmental Protection Agency and National Academy of Science state that between 8 to 10% of American women have mercury levels that would render any child they gave birth to neurological disorders. One of six children in the USA have a neurodevelopmental disorder according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet our dentistry and medicine continue to expose all patients to mercury. This article discusses the obvious sources of mercury exposures that can be easily prevented. It also points out that genetic susceptibility and exposures to other materials that synergistically enhance mercury and ethylmercury toxicity need to be evaluated, and that by their existence prevent the actual determination of a ‘safe level’ of mercury exposure for all. The mercury sources we consider are from dentistry and from drugs, mainly vaccines, that, in today’s world are not only unnecessary sources, but also sources that are being increasingly recognized as being significantly deleterious to the health of many.”
Haley BE. Mercury toxicity: genetic susceptibility and synergistic effects. Medical Vertias. 2005; 2(2):535-542.