Author: United Nations Environment Programme
Source: Intercessional Negotiating Committee.
Year: 2013
This landmark international treaty, signed by over 90 countries of the world and first ratified by the United States, is a legally-binding agreement to reduce the use of industrial mercury. On page 23, a phase down of dental amalgam use is outlined.
Abstract / Excerpt:
“The Parties to this Convention,
Recognizing that mercury is a chemical of global concern owing to its long-range atmospheric transport, its persistence in the environment once anthropogenically introduced, its ability to bioaccumulate in ecosystems and its significant negative effects on human health and the environment,
Recalling decision 25/5 of 20 February 2009 of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme to initiate international action to manage mercury in an efficient, effective and coherent manner…”
United Nations Environment Programme. Minamata Convention on Mercury. Geneva, Switzerland: Text agreed upon in UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/INC.5/3; January 13-19, 2013.