Author: Kumar N.

Source: Presentation at American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 22—April 28, 2017.

Year: 2017


Abstract / Excerpt:

Excess zinc ingestion is a well-recognized cause of copper deficiency. Zinc causes an upregulation of metallothionein production in the enterocytes. Metallothionein is an intracellular ligand and copper has a higher affinity for metallothionein than zinc. Copper displaces zinc from metallothionein, binds preferentially to the metallothionein, remains in the enterocytes, and is lost in the stools as the intestinal cells are sloughed off. […] Total hip arthroplasty may be complicated by corrosion and disassembly of the components. Metallosis is a very rare complication of arthroplasty. It refers to chronic infiltration of metallic wear debris into the periprosthetic bony and soft tissues.10 Reactive chronic inflammatory changes are seen. Wear debris can rarely cause systemic intoxication by prosthetic metallic materials, mostly by cobalt-chromium. […] Gadolinium is a lanthanide metal with paramagnetic properties that make it an excellent contrast agent to improve the utility of MRI. Two complications related to use of gadolinium-based contrast agents have been recognized (both in patients with underlying renal disease): nephrotoxicity and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.15

Citation: Kumar N. Neurologic Complications of Medical Disease [presentation]. American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 22—April 28, 2017.