Author: Lewczuk E, Affelska-Jercha A, Tomczyk J.

Source: Med Pr.

Year: 2002


This article is in Polish, but it mentions a possible link between menstruation disturbances and mercury levels in dental assistants.

Abstract / Excerpt:

“The overload of the osteoarticular system resulting from standing and stooping position of the body is the main health problem of dentists. This may cause vertebral pain, symptoms of sciatica and foot valgo-planus. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are induced by repeated carpus movements. Frequent numbness associated with the peripheral nerves changes result from using drills by dentists. Menstruation disturbances observed in dental assistants could be related to the increased levels of mercury in serum and urine. Allergy is also a frequent medical problem, particularly allergy to latex manifested by contact eczema or allergic urticaria, asthma and shock. There also is an increased risk for infectious diseases through the contact with biological material, mostly saliva and blood.”


Lewczuk E, Affelska-Jercha A, Tomczyk J. Occupational health problems in dental practice. Med Pr. 2002; 53(2):161. Polish.