Author: McParland H, Warnakulasuriya S.

Source: J Biomed Biotechnol.

Year: 2012


While this review does not suggest a major risk, it does identify a small percentage of hypersensitivity reactions with dental amalgam.

Abstract / Excerpt:

“Human oral mucosa is subjected to many noxious stimuli. One of these substances, in those who have restorations, is dental amalgam which contains mercury. This paper focuses on the local toxic effects of amalgam and mercury from dental restorations. Components of amalgam may, in rare instances, cause local side effects or allergic reactions referred to as oral lichenoid lesions (OLLs). OLLs to amalgams are recognised as hypersensitivity reactions to low-level mercury exposure. The use of patch testing to identify those susceptible from OLL is explored, and recommendations for removing amalgam fillings, when indicated are outlined. We conclude that evidence does not show that exposure to mercury from amalgam restorations poses a serious health risk in humans, except for an exceedingly small number of hypersensitivity reactions that are discussed.”


McParland H, Warnakulasuriya S. Oral lichenoid contact lesions to mercury and dental amalgam--a review. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2012; 2012:589-569.