Author: Oldoini G, Frabattista GR, Saragoni M, Cosola S, Giammarinaro E, Genovesi AM, Marconcini S.
Source: European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine
Year: 2020
Abstract / Excerpt:
Chemotherapy usually causes complications affecting several tissues such as oral mucosa. In this case report, a soft palate oral ulcer caused by chemotherapy was treated by ozone gas. This kind of treatment is known for its antimicrobial, regenerative and analgesic proprieties. The results show a complete resolution of the lesion within 2 weeks of treatment. Ozone therapy demonstrates greater effectiveness with respect to this kind of oral lesion compared to traditional therapy. Considering this evidence, ozone therapy should be considered as a useful tool for the adjuvant therapy of oral complications in oncologic patients.
Learning points: Intensive chemotherapy can have side effects, particularly affecting tissue with higher turnover. Therefore, there is a clinical need to prevent or to treat such complications.Ozone therapy could improve oral mucosa healing and have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial effects to prevent suprainfections. To date, there are no reported cases of oral ulcers in oncologic patients being completely resolved using ozone in the literature.Medical and dental doctors should collaborate with regards to complex patients to prevent such types of complications, discovering these clinical cases that are unknown in the literature and treating patients in a more comprehensive way.
Citation: Oldoini G, Frabattista GR, Saragoni M, Cosola S, Giammarinaro E, Genovesi AM, Marconcini S. Ozone Therapy for Oral Palatal Ulcer in a Leukaemic Patient. European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine. 2020;7(2)