Author: Balakesavan P, Gokhale SR, Deshmukh V, Williams RC.

Source: European Journal of General Dentistry.

Year: 2013


The researchers conclude, "In recent years periodontitis has been linked to a number of systemic conditions. Substantial research indicates that oral health is an important component of general health, and individuals with periodontitis may be at risk for other diseases as well."

Abstract / Excerpt:

“Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by a mixed microbial infection. The disease is a result of a complex interaction between the bacteria and the susceptible host. The host reaction to the microbial flora leads to a release of pro?inflammatory cytokines and a low grade inflammatory response that has an effect on the overall health status of the patient. Periodontitis has been associated with several systemic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, adverse pregnancy outcomes and respiratory infections. In recent years, the relationship of periodontitis to overall health has been explored by numerous researchers who have expanded our understanding of periodontal disease as it affects the overall health of human subjects. This article further examines the relationship of periodontitis to overall health and throws a light on recent associations.”


Balakesavan P, Gokhale SR, Deshmukh V, Williams RC. Periodontal disease and overall health: An update. European Journal of General Dentistry. 2013; 2(2), 102.