Author: Madhu KS, Mathew S

Source: Otolaryngol ENT Res

Year: 2018


Abstract / Excerpt:

Endodontic therapy aims at eliminating the existing infection and also inhibiting re-infection. Endodontic failures attribute almost 30-40% of dental failures. Microorganisms are recognized worldwide as the etiological agent for the majority of endodontic infections. The current day medicine emphasizes on understanding the etio-pathogenesis of disease process rather than just symptomatic approach. The limitations of conventional culture techniques like low sensitivity, non-specificity etc has paved way for more potential molecular biology techniques. The molecular techniques are highly sensitive & highly specific making it an integral part of modern day medicine and research. This tool gives insight to the interactions of molecules like DNA, RNA and proteins that are the key factors for life process. A significant contribution of molecular biology methods to medical microbiology relates to the identification of previously unknown human pathogens. More than 50 % of previously uncultivable oral bacteria have been identified by this advanced technique. The techniques can be applied extensively for diagnosis, management and prevention of pathology. This review intends to familiarize various molecular techniques and underlying concepts. This in turn facilitates in implementing them to various contemporary areas of research.

Citation: Madhu KS, Mathew S. Review of microbiology of endodontics and molecular identification of microorganisms from endodontic infections. Otolaryngol ENT Res. 2018.