Author: Chong LY, Clarkson JE, Dobbyn‐Ross L, Bhakta S.

Source: The Cochrane Library.

Year: 2018


Abstract / Excerpt:

There is insufficient evidence to determine the caries-inhibiting effect of slow-release fluoride glass beads. The body of evidence available is of very low quality and there is a potential overestimation of benefit to the average child. The applicability of the findings to the wider population is unclear; the study had included children from a deprived area that had low levels of fluoride in drinking water, and were considered at high risk of caries. In addition, the evidence was only obtained from children who still had the bead attached at 2 years (48% of all available children); children who had lost their slow-release fluoride devices earlier might not have benefited as much from the devices.

Citation: Chong LY, Clarkson JE, Dobbyn‐Ross L, Bhakta S. Slow‐release fluoride devices for the control of dental decay. The Cochrane Library. 2018.