Author: Llop S, Lopez-Espinosa MJ, Murcia M, Alvarez-Pedrerol M, Vioque J, Aguinagalde X, Julvez J, Aurrekoetxea JJ, Espada M, Santa-Marina L, Rebagliato M, Ballester F.
Source: Environ Res.
Year: 2015
The researchers conclude, "Prenatal mercury exposure was inversely associated with TT3 levels among women who took iodine supplements during pregnancy. These results could be of public health concern, although further research is needed."
Abstract / Excerpt:
“The geometric means of TSH, TT3, FT4 and mercury were 1.1μU/L, 2.4nmol/L, 10.5pmol/L and 7.7μg/L, respectively. Mercury levels were marginally significantly associated with TT3 (β: -0.05; 95%CI: -0.10, 0.01), but were neither associated with TSH nor FT4. The inverse association between mercury and TT3 levels was stronger among the iodine supplement consumers (-0.08; 95%CI: -0.15, -0.02, interaction p-value=0.07). The association with FT4 followed the same pattern, albeit not significant.”
Llop S, Lopez-Espinosa MJ, Murcia M, et al. Synergism between exposure to mercury and use of iodine supplements on thyroid hormones in pregnant women. Environ Res. 2015;138:298-305.