Author: Fleming M, Janosky J
Year: empty
This article concludes, "An amalgam ban has an identifiable effect on increasing expenditures for dental care in the groups studied. However, it is our position that a ban on amalgam use would not cause a significant decline in the utilization of needed services or result in a significant increase in the incidence of untreated dental disease. While the steadily rising costs of dental care should not be ignored or minimized, the increased cost of amalgam alternatives is outweighed by their utility in potentially higher risk sub-groups of the US population."
Abstract / Excerpt:
“This article offers a practical assessment of the cost implications of an outright total ban on amalgam use as well as a partial ban in children, pregnant women and women of childbearing age. In addition, we discuss trends in amalgam use and the impact of a ban in these populations on the future utilization of broad based dental services.”
Fleming M, Janosky J. The economics of dental amalgam regulation. Report Submitted for Review and Publication to “Public Health Reports.” IAOMT.