Author: Guzzi G, Pigatto PD.

Source: Environ Health Perspect.

Year: 2008


This correspondence addresses gender issues in releasing mercury, mercury vapor from amalgams impacting the autoimmune system, mercury's impact on the kidneys and central nervous system, teeth grinding leading to mercury exposures, and amalgam use in children, and other issues.

Abstract / Excerpt:

“Woods et al. (2007) reported on exposure to dental amalgam fillings and urinary mercury excretion in children. They stated that ‘urinary mercury concentrations are widely used as a measure of mercury exposure from dental amalgam fillings.’  We would like to point out some caveats about interpreting the results of mercury in urine.”


Guzzi, G; Pigatto, PD.  Urinary mercury levels in children with amalgam fillings. Environ Health Perspect. 2008; 116(7):A286-7.