
About Pawar RR, Mattigatti SS, Mahaparale RR, Kamble AP.

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So far Pawar RR, Mattigatti SS, Mahaparale RR, Kamble AP. has created 994 blog entries.

Lichenoid reaction associated with silver amalgam restoration in a Bombay blood group patient: a case report.

The pathogenic relationship between the oral lichenoid reaction (OLR) and dental restorative materials has been confirmed many times. An OLR affecting oral mucosa in direct contact with an amalgam restoration represents a delayed, type IV, cell mediated immune response to mercury or one of the other constituents of the dental amalgam. Bombay blood group patients are more prone to this. A case of bilateral OLR is presented, which is present in relation to amalgam restoration. The lesion healed up after the replacement of restorations with an intermediate restorative material. The clinician should be aware of all the possible pathological etiologies of white lesions. If there is any doubt about the nature or management of a usual oral lesion, a referral to an appropriate specialist is mandatory.

By |2018-07-28T17:07:00+00:00January 1st, 2016|Mercury|

Oral leukoplakia associated with amalgam restorations.

The World Health Organization has defined oral leukoplakia (OL) as “a white patch or plaque of the oral mucosa that cannot be characterized clinically or pathologically as any other disease”. A 21-year-old male with OL presented with a bilateral burning sensation in the buccal mucosa. The patient had amalgam restorations, and an epicutaneous patch test indicated a positive response to amalgam. The amalgam restorations were therefore removed and the cavities were refilled with a composite resin restorative material. During 5 years of follow-up, there was no recurrence of the oral lesions. This case illustrates that amalgam fillings may cause OL lesions.

By |2018-07-21T17:00:06+00:00January 1st, 2016|Mercury|

Longevity of direct restorations in Dutch dental practices. Descriptive study out of a practice based research network.

A wide variation in annual failure rate (AFR) exists between the different dental practices varying between 2.3% and 7.9%. Restorations in elderly people (65 years and older, AFR 6.9%) showed a shorter survival compared to restorations placed in patients younger than 65 years old (AFR 4.2%-5.0%). Restorations in molar teeth, multi-surface restorations and restorations placed in endodontically treated teeth seemed to be more at risk for re-intervention.

The investigated group of GDPs place restorations with a satisfactory longevity (mean AFR 4.6% over 10 years), although substantial differences in outcome between practitioners exist. Several potential risk factors on practice/operator, patient, and tooth/restoration level have been identified and require further multivariate investigation.

Dental associations with blood mercury in pregnant women.

Whole blood samples and information on diet and socio-demographic factors were collected from pregnant women (n = 4484) enrolled in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). The whole blood samples were assayed for total mercury levels using inductively coupled plasma dynamic reaction cell mass spectrometry (ICP-DRC-MS), and the women were retrospectively asked about features of their dental care during the pregnancy. Linear regression was used to estimate the relative contributions of DA to TBHg levels (log-transformed) based on R(2) values, compared to the results from dietary and socio-demographic variables.

The contribution to the variance of the mothers’ TBHg levels by dental variables was 6.47%, a figure comparable to the 8.75% shown for seafood consumption in this population. Dietary and dental variables explained 20.16% of the variance, with socio-demographic variables contributing only a further 3.40%. The number of amalgams in the mouth at the start of pregnancy accounted for most of the variance in dental variables.

Dental amalgam contributes a comparable amount of variance in TBHg to seafood consumption in this population. However, because the measures of DA exposure were imprecise, these findings are likely to be an underestimate. There is no evidence to date in the literature that fetal exposures to mercury from maternal DAs have adverse effects on the developing child, but long-term studies are warranted.

Alterations in biochemical markers due to mercury (Hg) exposure and its influence on infant’s neurodevelopment.

This study examined the role of oxidative stress due to mercury (Hg) exposure on infant’s neurodevelopmental performance. A total of 944 healthy Saudi mothers and their respective infants (aged 3-12 months) were recruited from 57 Primary Health Care Centers in Riyadh City. Total mercury (Hg) was measured in mothers and infants urine and hair samples, as well as mother’s blood and breast milk. Methylmercury (MeHg) was determined in the mothers and infants’ hair and mother’s blood. Urinary 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), malondialdehyde (MDA), and porphyrins were used to assess oxidative stress. The infant’s neurodevelopment was evaluated using Denver Developmental Screening Test II (DDST-II) and Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status. The median total Hg levels in mother’s urine, infant’s urine, mother’s hair, infant’s hair, and mother’s blood and breast milk were 0.995μg/l, 0.716μg/l, 0.118μg/g dw, 0.101μg/g dw, 0.635μg/l, and 0.884μg/l respectively. The median MeHg levels in mother’s hair, infant’s hair, and mother’s blood were 0.132μg/g dw, 0.091μg/g dw, and 2.341μg/l respectively. A significant interrelationship between mothers and infants Hg measures in various matrices was noted. This suggests that mother’s exposure to different forms of Hg (total and/or MeHg) from various sources contributed significantly to the metal body burden of their respective infants. Even though Hg exposure was low, it induced high oxidative stress in mothers and infants. The influence of multiplicative interaction terms between Hg measures and oxidative stress biomarkers was tested using multiple regression analysis. Significant interactions between the urinary Hg levels in mothers and infants and oxidative stress biomarkers (8-OHdG and MDA) were noted. The MeHg levels in mother-infant hair revealed similar interaction patterns. The p-values for both were below 0.001. These observations suggest that the exposure of our infants to Hg via mothers either during pregnancy and/or neonatal life, promoted oxidative stress that might have played a role in infant neurodevelopmental delays that we reported previously. The results confirmed that the interaction between infant’s MeHg in hair and 8-OHdG and MDA levels was significantly associated with a delay in DDST-II performance (ß=-0.188, p=0.028). This finding provides an insight into the potential consequences of Hg-induced oxidative stress to infant’s cognitive neurodevelopment for the first time. This observation still needs future studies to be validated. Given the low MeHg levels in our population, these findings are of particular importance.

Patients’ experiences of changes in health after removal of dental amalgam-quantitative and qualitative approaches.

In the treatment group, mercury concentration in serum and index scores for intraoral and general health complaints declined significantly three years after amalgam removal. In the reference group there was as a slight, but not significant, increase of index scores in the same period. Comparisons with the external reference group showed that even after amalgam removal, participants in the treatment group reported a significantly higher level of complaints for 6 of the 23 complaints. In the interviews, participants described feeling better after amalgam removal, but were reluctant to point to the removal as the only cause for their improved health. Despite not being sure of the importance of amalgam removal, all participants expressed that it had been important for them to get rid of the amalgam fillings. The mechanisms behind the reduced levels of health complaints after amalgam removal are probably compounded and not limited to reduced exposure to mercury. This was also acknowledged and underscored by the participants in the interview study.

By |2018-07-31T15:46:05+00:00January 1st, 2016|Mercury|

Comparative evaluation of longevity of fluoride release from three different fluoride varnishes–an invitro study.

Fluoride varnishes play a pivotal role in inhibition of dental caries by increasing remineralization.

To determine the longevity of fluoride release from 3 different fluoride varnishes over a period of time through salivary fluoride estimation.

Twenty four extracted human deciduous anterior teeth were divided into four groups, i.e., ClinproTM XT, Flouritop SR, Flourprotector and Control group. Fluoride varnishes were applied on 3mm x 3mm window on labial surface of the teeth and then the teeth were immersed and stored in artificial saliva. The concentration of fluoride in ppm was measured after 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months. Fluoride release at each time interval for different groups was statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Post Hoc Tukey’s test.

Although all the fluoride varnishes released fluoride, with greatest release observed during 1(st) week by Fluoritop SR (66.92±16.30ppm), ClinproTM XT Varnish released consistently and substantially more fluoride than Fluoritop SR and Fluorprotector during 6 months analysis (p<0.05). Fluorprotector showed the lowest rate of F release among all the groups compared.

Over a period of 6 months ClinproTM XT Varnish released consistently and substantially more fluoride than other tested products.

Fluoride mouthrinses for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents.

This review found that supervised regular use of fluoride mouthrinse by children and adolescents is associated with a large reduction in caries increment in permanent teeth. We are moderately certain of the size of the effect. Most of the evidence evaluated use of fluoride mouthrinse supervised in a school setting, but the findings may be applicable to children in other settings with supervised or unsupervised rinsing, although the size of the caries-preventive effect is less clear. Any future research on fluoride mouthrinses should focus on head-to-head comparisons between different fluoride rinse features or fluoride rinses against other preventive strategies, and should evaluate adverse effects and acceptability.

By |2018-07-26T15:29:10+00:00January 1st, 2016|Fluoride|

“Struggle to obtain redress”: Women’s experiences of living with symptoms attributed to dental restorative materials and/or electromagnetic fields.

The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of illness and the encounters with health care professionals among women who attributed their symptoms and illness to either dental restorative materials and/or electromagnetic fields, despite the fact that research on health effects from dental fillings or electricity has failed to substantiate the reported symptoms. Thirteen women (aged 37􀀀63 years) were invited to the study and a qualitative approach was chosen as the study design, and data were collected using semi-structured interviews. The analysis was conducted with a constant comparative method, according to Grounded Theory. The analysis of the results can be described with the core category, ‘‘Struggle to obtain redress,’’ the two categories, ‘‘Stricken with illness’’ and ‘‘A blot in the protocol,’’ and five subcategories. The core category represents the women’s fight for approval and arose in the conflict between their experience of developing a severe illness and the doctors’ or dentists’ rejection of the symptoms as a disease, which made the women feel like malingerers. The informants experienced better support and confirmation from alternative medicine practitioners. However, sick-leave certificates from alternative medicine practitioners were not approved and this led to a continuous cycle of visits in the health care system. To avoid conflicting encounters, it is important for caregivers to listen to the patient’s explanatory models and experience of illness, even if a medical answer cannot be given.

Metal alloys in the oral cavity as a cause of oral discomfort in sensitive patients.

The occurrence of galvanism with its heterogeneous symptomatology is often the source of considerable problems. Abrasion and corrosion not only damage dental alloys but also burden the organism by release of metallic particles. The objective of this study is to evaluate the hypothesis that measurement of galvanic currents could be a useful diagnostic method. PATIENT GROUPS AND METHODOLOGY: Three hundred fifty-seven persons with dental metal restorations were divided into groups according to abnormal values of galvanic currents and by oral discomfort. In all persons a detailed examination of the oral cavity was performed, and galvanic currents were measured. In one hundred fifty-nine patients abnormal galvanic currents were found. Measurement of metallic elements in saliva was performed in these patients and in a group of 21 healthy volunteers without any metals in the oral cavity. Thirty-three patients agreed to treatment which involved removal of the causative alloys and their replacement by non-metallic restorations.

No correlation was found between the values of measured currents and the number of teeth treated by metal restorations. However, patients with metal restorations had significantly higher contents not only of mercury, but also of tin, silver, copper, and gold in the saliva than patients without metallic restorations. After removal of the electro-active restorations, both the contents of metals in saliva and galvanic currents decreased in comparison with the levels before the treatment.

Galvanic effects as well as metal particles may induce a series of local or systemic pathological phenomena in sensitive individuals. The occurrence of pathologically acting galvanic effects is influenced not only by the composition and combination of different dental alloys, but to a significant degree also by the quality of used materials and processing.

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