
About Rautemaa R, Lauhio A, Cullinan MP, Seymour GJ.

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So far Rautemaa R, Lauhio A, Cullinan MP, Seymour GJ. has created 994 blog entries.

Oral infections and systemic disease—an emerging problem in medicine.

The relationship between oral and general health has been increasingly recognised during the past two decades. Several epidemiological studies have linked poor oral health with cardiovascular disease, poor glycaemic control in diabetics, low birth-weight pre-term babies, and a number of other conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. Oral infections are also recognised as a problem for individuals suffering from a range of chronic conditions, including cancer and infection with human immunodeficiency virus, as well as patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia. This review considers the systemic consequences of odontogenic infections and the possible mechanisms by which oral infection and inflammation can contribute to cardiovascular disease, as well as the oral conditions associated with medically compromised patients. A large number of clinical studies have established the clinical efficacy of topical antimicrobial agents, e.g., chlorhexidine and triclosan, in the prevention and control of oral disease, especially gingivitis and dental plaque. The possible risks of antimicrobial resistance are a concern, and the benefits of long-term use of triclosan require further evaluation. Oral infections have become an increasingly common risk-factor for systemic disease, which clinicians should take into account. Clinicians should increase their knowledge of oral diseases, and dentists must strengthen their understanding of general medicine, in order to avoid unnecessary risks for infection that originate in the mouth.

By |2019-05-30T23:00:03+00:00January 1st, 2007|Other|

Changed clinical chemistry pattern in blood after removal of dental amalgam and other metal alloys supported by antioxidant therapy.

This study aimed to investigate a possible connection between removal of dental amalgam restorations supported by antioxidant therapy and indicative changes of clinical chemistry parameters. A group of 24 patients, referred for complaints related to amalgam restorations, underwent a removal of their amalgams. All patients were treated with antioxidants (vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, and sodium selenite). An age- and sex-matched control group of 22 individuals was also included. The mercury (Hg) and selenium (Se) concentration in plasma, Hg concentration in erythrocytes, and 17 clinical chemistry variables were examined in three groups: patients before amalgam removal (Before), patients after amalgam removal (After), and control individuals (Control). The Hg and Se values decreased (p < 0.05) in plasma, and the Hg concentration decreased (p < 0.05) in erythrocytes after amalgam removal. The variables serum lactate dehydrogenase (serum LDH) and serum sodium differed significantly both when comparing Control with Before (p < 0.01) and Before with After (p < 0.01). The variables white blood cell count (WBC), blood neutrophil count, blood eosinophil count, blood basophil count, blood lymphocyte count, blood monocyte count, serum potassium, and serum creatinine differed in the Before/After test (p < 0.05). Multivariate statistics (discriminant function analysis) could separate the groups Before and After with only one misclassification.

By |2018-07-20T21:36:37+00:00January 1st, 2007|Mercury|

Corrosion potential recovery of dental amalgam restorations following prophylaxis.

Dental amalgam restorations are subjected to abrasion during selective prophylaxis that can damage or remove the protective oxide and result in increased rates of corrosion and chemical dissolution of mercury. It was the objective of this research to study the corrosion potential change of dental amalgam restorations to obtain an indication of the time required for in vivo repassivation following prophylaxis.

The corrosion potentials of 27 Class I and Class II amalgam restorations were measured pre- and post-prophylaxis using a high impedance voltmeter and a Ag/AgCl micro-reference electrode. Prophylaxis was performed for approximately 2s on each amalgam surface using a slow-speed handpiece with a rubber-cup and commercial abrasive paste. Subjects thoroughly rinsed before the post-prophylaxis corrosion potentials were measured. The data were analyzed using a confidence interval, a t-test and correlation analysis.

The pre- and post-prophylaxis mean corrosion potentials were, respectively, -132 (27)mV and -126 (27)mV. The mean of the differences between the pre- and post-prophylaxis corrosion potentials was 6.1 (28)mV, with an associated 95% confidence interval of (-4.8, 17)mV. A t-test showed the mean absolute difference in corrosion potential was less than 50 mV (p<0.0001).

The results of this study show that the post-prophylaxis recovery of the corrosion potential of amalgam restorations occurred by at most 10-44 min, indicating that the period of elevated corrosion rate and elevated chemical dissolution rate of mercury, due to oxide damage or removal, may be short-lived.

By |2018-08-02T20:36:51+00:00January 1st, 2007|Mercury|

Fluorine in pharmaceuticals: looking beyond intuition.

Fluorine substituents have become a widespread and important drug component, their introduction facilitated by the development of safe and selective fluorinating agents. Organofluorine affects nearly all physical and adsorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion properties of a lead compound. Its inductive effects are relatively well understood, enhancing bioavailability, for example, by reducing the basicity of neighboring amines. In contrast, exploration of the specific influence of carbon-fluorine single bonds on docking interactions, whether through direct contact with the protein or through stereoelectronic effects on molecular conformation of the drug, has only recently begun. Here, we review experimental progress in this vein and add complementary analysis based on comprehensive searches in the Cambridge Structural Database and the Protein Data Bank.

By |2019-11-23T19:29:17+00:00January 1st, 2007|Fluoride|

Review on fluoride-releasing restorative materials—fluoride release and uptake characteristics, antibacterial activity and influence on caries formation.

The purpose of this article was to review the fluoride release and recharge capabilities, and antibacterial properties, of fluoride-releasing dental restoratives, and discuss the current status concerning the prevention or inhibition of caries development and progression.

Information from original scientific full papers or reviews listed in PubMed (search term: fluoride release AND (restorative OR glass-ionomer OR compomer OR polyacid-modified composite resin OR composite OR amalgam)), published from 1980 to 2004, was included in the review. Papers dealing with endodontic or orthodontic topics were not taken into consideration. Clinical studies concerning secondary caries development were only included when performed in split-mouth design with an observation period of at least three years.

Fluoride-containing dental materials show clear differences in the fluoride release and uptake characteristics. Short- and long-term fluoride releases from restoratives are related to their matrices, setting mechanisms and fluoride content and depend on several environmental conditions. Fluoride-releasing materials may act as a fluoride reservoir and may increase the fluoride level in saliva, plaque and dental hard tissues. However, clinical studies exhibited conflicting data as to whether or not these materials significantly prevent or inhibit secondary caries and affect the growth of caries-associated bacteria compared to non-fluoridated restoratives.

Fluoride release and uptake characteristics depend on the matrices, fillers and fluoride content as well as on the setting mechanisms and environmental conditions of the restoratives. Fluoride-releasing materials, predominantly glass-ionomers and compomers, did show cariostatic properties and may affect bacterial metabolism under simulated cariogenic conditions in vitro. However, it is not proven by prospective clinical studies whether the incidence of secondary caries can be significantly reduced by the fluoride release of restorative materials.

By |2018-08-03T18:46:42+00:00January 1st, 2007|Fluoride|

Need for informed consent for dentists who use mercury amalgam restorative material as well as technical considerations in removal of dental amalgam restorations.

Amalgam restorative material generally contains 50% mercury (Hg) in a complex mixture of copper, tin, silver, and zinc. It has been well documented that this mixture continually emits mercury vapor, which is dramatically increased by chewing, eating, brushing, and drinking hot liquids. Mercury has been demonstrated to have damaging effects on the kidney, central nervous system, and cardiovascular system, and has been implicated in gingival tattoos. While mercury amalgams may result in detrimental exposure to the patient, they can also be a danger in dental practices. In Europe, the federal governments of Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Sweden have enacted legislation requiring that dental patients receive informed consent information about the dental restorative material that will be used. In the United States, a few state governments have enacted informed consent legislation for dental patients receiving dental restorations. These state legislations were enacted by Maine, California, Connecticut, and Vermont. It is a sad tragedy that mercury is causing such health damage to many people. The American Dental Association has said for the past 150 years that the mercury in amalgam is safe and does not leak; however, no clinical studies were ever done and the Food and Drug Administration approved amalgam under a grandfather clause. Subsequent studies have shown this claim of safety not to be true. Over ten years ago, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal published a comprehensive article calling mercury restorative material a major source of mercury exposure to the U.S. population. The authors of this paper recommend that federal and state legislation be passed throughout our country to ensure that consent forms are given to patients receiving silver-mercury amalgam restorative material.

A pilot study to determine mercury exposure through vapor and bound to PM10 in a dental school environment.

Mercury (Hg) is widely used in the dental working environment, exposing dental practitioners and assistants to potentially toxic Hg vapors. Concentrations of Hg in vapor and in particulate matter (PM10) were measured in the Dental Simulation Laboratory (DSL) and in the Dental Clinic (DC) at the School of Dentistry, University of Puerto Rico. PM10 samples were collected over a 36-h period and Hg vapor was collected for eight-hour periods. PM10 mass was determined gravimetically and Hg (bound to PM10 and vapor) was extracted and analyzed by atomic absorption. Indoor levels of PM10 in the DSL ranged from 9.2 to 41.6 microg/m3 and 35.0 to 68.2 microg/m3 in the DC. Levels of particle-bound Hg ranged from 0.1 to 1.2 microg/m3 and in vapor 1.1 to 3.3mg/m3 at the DSL; the DC levels ranged from <0.01 to 0.2 microg/m3 for particle bound Hg and 13.6 to 102.7 microg/m3 in vapor. PM10 concentrations were below Indoor Air Quality suggested limits for total dust (100 microg/m3). Levels of mercury bound to PM10 were low; however, mercury vapor was several times higher than the suggested OSHA (permissible exposure limit–100 microg/m3) in the DSL.

By |2019-06-02T02:49:25+00:00January 1st, 2007|Other|

The post-endodontic periapical lesion: histologic and etiopathogenic aspects.

Apical periodontitis is produced in the majority of cases by intraradicular infection. Treatment consists in the elimination of the infectious agents by endodontia. Even when carrying out a correct cleansing and filling of canals, it is possible that periapical periodontitis will persist in the form of an asymptomatic radiolucency, giving rise to the post-endodontic periapical lesion.

Fluoride interactions: from molecules to disease

Fluoride has long been known to influence the activity of various enzymes in vitro. Later it has been demonstrated that many effects primarily attributed to fluoride are caused by synergistic action of fluoride plus aluminum. Aluminofluoride complexes have been widely used as analogues of phosphate groups to study phosphoryl transfer reactions and heterotrimeric G proteins involvement. A number of reports on their use have appeared, with far-reaching consequences for our understanding of fundamental biological processes. Fluoride plus aluminum send false messages, which are amplified by processes of signal transduction. Many investigations of the longterm administration of fluoride to laboratory animals have demonstrated that fluoride and aluminofluoride complexes can elicit impairment of homeostasis, growth, development, cognition, and behavior. Ameliorative effects of calcium, vitamins C, D, and E have been reported. Numerous epidemiological, ecological, and clinical studies have shown the effects of fluoride on humans. Millions of people live in endemic fluorosis areas. A review of fluoride interactions from molecules to disease is necessary for a sound scientific assessment of health risks, which may be linked to the chronic intake of small doses of fluoride and aluminum from environmental and artificial sources.

By |2019-05-26T00:28:40+00:00January 1st, 2007|Fluoride|
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