Effect of organic and inorganic mercuric salts on Na+K+ATPase in different cerebral fractions in control and intrauterine growth-retarded rats: alterations induced by serotonin.
“An intrauterine growth-retarded (IUGR) model based on restriction of blood supply to the rat fetus at the 17th day of pregnancy was studied. We investigated in vitro the effects of thimerosal and mercuric chloride on Na+K+ATPase activity in total brain homogenate, synaptosomes and myelin at weaning. In addition, we evaluated the reversal effect of serotonin on mercury-inhibited Na+K+ATPase activity. The toxicity, in terms of inhibition of Na+K+ATPase activity was greater with mercuric chloride than with thimerosal. Synaptosomes and principally myelin were more sensitive to the metal salts than total homogenate. Serotonin stimulated the Na+K+ATPase activity in total brain homogenate and synaptosomes but inhibited the enzyme in the myelin fraction. This effect was more marked in the IUGR group than in the control group. Serotonin (1 mM) added to total homogenate pretreated with the mercury salts produced variable reversal effects. In the synaptosomal fraction reverse effect was noted with serotonin. In myelin fraction, added serotonin increased inhibition caused by thimerosal.”